i was wondering.......... regreting surgery choice

hi..i just had something that was kinda buggin my mind and thought i'd look for some opinions..i live in MN and we only have 1 DR that does DS surgery and his waitin list in a year long for a consult..well unfortunately i cant wait that long due to certain circumstances..i have a date of jan 27 with a great DR who i love for open RNY which i think will be a great surgery for me as just wonderin if maybe somewhere down the line i will regret not bein able to have the DS instead..probly silly to ask but just wanted some opinions :)    — christine S. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 9, 2002
I had an open RNY approximately 21 months ago. Have since lost approximately 200 lbs. and am so happy I chose this surgery. (18 lbs. from my goal weight!!!) It is definitely the "gold standard" of bariatric surgeries. I don't know much about the DS, but I think you can rest assured that the RNY is a good choice.
   — Terissa R.

December 9, 2002
Dear Christine: I don't mean to be harsh, (nor is it my aim to 'bash' or offend any other posters) but the decision of what surgery to have is so very personal that I doubt you'll get an answer here that isn't biased. People jump in with both feet to embrace the surgery type they have and it often causes all of us a kind of 'tunnel vision'. Even though we all fight the same fight, things tend to turn into an us and them battle. So long as YOU are secure with the procedure and surgery type YOU have chosen, please try not to fall into the chasm of 'what if's' Some folks have no choice based on insurance or availability of surgeon. I really WANTED a DS but could not have it.. I wound up with a BPD (which know now is almost the exact same thing). I'm down 93 pounds and am loving it. Just do your research and again, be sure that what you choose is best for you. Sometimes having to wait is so very worth it. Best of luck and Peace!
   — Joscelin

December 9, 2002
Christine is right. My own opinion is that if you don't have confidence in what you are choosing you are not going to be happy. I think if we are going to put ourselves at risk for bypass surgery we should get what we want. Not to make you go crazy, but there have been cases where people have revised the rny to the ds but you still wont have a pyloric valve. I believe if it is inactive for a long time it stops working. I know this doesn't help but you should do what your heart and mind tell you to and not be influenced by everyone elses opinion.
   — davesband1

December 9, 2002
you only have a BMI of 47. THat is not all that "high" comparitively. You will do great with an RNY. BUT, if you choose to wait out the DS, you wil ldo great wiht that also. Good luck on your decision. !!
   — Vicki L.

December 10, 2002
Good Question...I'm glad to see you posed it, because I'm having the same issue. I don't really have an answer, but wanted to show my support. I would prefer to have DS, although not sure if it will be an option, so I will be just as happy with the RNY if that is going to help me get to my goal. Best of luck to you..aims
   — chickiewickie

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