Will I be on pretin supplements the rest of my life?

I realize they will be part of my life for likely at least 6 months in order to get in adequate protein but will it continue forever. I have to admit I haven't tasted many and have a preconcieved idea about them that may be totally wrong. I just remember after my gallblader surgery they tried to give me some enriched friut juices and they were awful. I said bring me some normal juice. I refused to drink the others. I don't typically like to drink thick things. I plan to order some of the various samples.<p>I feel the best chance I have at long term compliance with what my new eating regimine will be, is to be able to eat real food. I have no problem with eating protein first etc., although it's a foreign concept to not think I must have some of all the food groups. I just want to know if it is realistic that I can get enough protein from food or if I will need protein drinks forever.    — zoedogcbr (posted on December 7, 2002)

December 7, 2002
My Dr. recommends protein drinks for the first six weeks, and then supplement when I am not going to get enough from food...after a year, you shouldn't need them at all because you can take in enough food and milk to get there.
   — thekatinthehat

December 7, 2002
Early on post-op it is difficult to get in enough protein so the supplements really help. However, after a while, you should be able to get all the protein you need through food. At almost 10 months post-op, I have incorporated a protein bar into my diet every day, but only use the shakes when I have decided to take a break from eating protein for a meal or two.
   — Cindy R.

December 7, 2002
It depends on how much intestine you had bypassed. Remeber all gastric bypass surgeries are not the same. Someone that it proximal may be able to get in all of their protein from food later on. However, someone distal like will will malabsorb more calories but also malabsorb much more vitamins and nutrients. I malabsorb 40% of everything that I eat with 150cm bypassed. More surgeons are moving to 150cm as the norm because the success rates are higher, you have less chance of gaining the weight back because you malabsorb more. The downside is you will have to supplement for life. I just usually do half a shake of Real Meals a day. If I didn't get in much protein during the day I do another half before bed. This way I know I am covered with the protein, b12, calcium, and iron the most important things for us. Then I just take a Centrum chewable each day too.
   — Linda A.

December 7, 2002
Chris, i am 4 mos post op and have not had a protein shake since 6 weeks out! However, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! I cannot stand the shakes w/ water or milk. And, I wouldn't spend another cent on them! That being said, I have been able to eat chicken, beef, steak, seafood shrimp, scallops, etc) since I was 6 weeks out! The only protein supplements I eat are my Zone Protein bar. I eat it either while I am walking to the gym in the morning or before I go to the gym at night. So, I get 60-90g of protein from food and the other 19g from the bar. Good Luck!
   — heathercross

December 7, 2002
I have a protein powder that I like (Isopure, Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry). I went through a lot of yucky ones until I was fortunate to find one brand I like. I am 11 months post op from LAP RNY and I still have a protein drink every morning. Why? Because I like it, it is easy, it is fast, I am sure to be getting in my protein for the day, and it has 25 grams of protein for only 110 calories (1 scoop). Good Luck!
   — dianehanson

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