I don't think I am urinating enough

With the amount of water that I am drinking. I am getting more then my 64 ounces each day. I only go to the bath room usually 3 to 5 times a day. I don't think that is correct. I would think that I would be sitting on the toilet all day. Prior to WLS I was going to the bathroom at least once an hour. Is this normal? thanks    — TEDDI T. (posted on December 2, 2002)

December 2, 2002
If you're used to drinking things besides water (especially caffinated beverages) and suddenly switch to water, you will find you go far less. Also when you are losing fluids are used more by your body than otherwise. I find I go far less if I drink mostly water and far more if I include other beverages.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 2, 2002
Best way to judge is by quantity. Are you going 3 to 4 cups a day? If so you have no problem. Your body gets use to the water and you can hold more. Hope this helps. HKL
   — hklang70

December 3, 2002
When I went off caffeine pre-op, I began urinating about half as often as before. Previously, I'd never slept through a night without getting up at least twice to urinate. When I got off caffeine, I slept through EVERY night. Sometimes, I didn't even have to go first thing in the morning. Now, sadly, I'm back on limited amounts of caffeine, and get up once a night for a bathroom run. I suspect that with your new eating and drinking habits that you may have significantly decreased the caffeine you're taking it. Caffeine is a powerful diuretic.
   — Kathy J.

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