my platlet count is lower then 100

my blood platlets are very low, there is no reason for it i am generally in good health other than being very over wt. the surgeon said if my platlets do not increase he will not perform surgery for an RNY on me. has anyone had this problem and if so how did you correct it. i heard that b12 increases the level. Is that true. thanks maureen    — Maureen A. (posted on November 24, 2002)

November 24, 2002
Has this been an ongoing problem throughout your life or just something that was discovered? My sister had issues with this when she was younger, it was called ITP. I dont know much more other than her condition was not common and revolved around her platlet counts. Actually my family had only met one other person that had been diagnosed with the same condition. She has since outgrown it, but they say it could come back anytime and without reason. Not that this is what you have......just an idea to look into.
   — RebeccaP

November 24, 2002
Hon, I can understand why your surgeon wouldnt perform surgery on you with low platelets, its because when your plantelets are low you wont clogulate, in other words you could bleed to death, he dosnt want to take that chance. One way of increasing your platelets is through steriods (prednizone) I had an illness years ago which gave me low platelets, i was on the steriods to bring them up but since the illness didnt correct it self i had to have a spleenectomy now i have high platelets. with you though its probably correctable through a course of steriods act your dr about that. Of course every one is different and there maybe something else going on but its always something to bring up to him... good luck
   — Deanna Wise

November 25, 2002
I totally agree with Rebecca. I had ITP as a child and it is a serious condition. It can lead to other diseases as well. They were worried that I had Lupus or Leiukemia so I had to have my bone marrow removed and tested. Please follow up with your doctor regarding this.
   — Jennifer C.

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