DOES ANYONE KNOW if we need liquid anibiotics when we get sick?

DOES ANYONE KNOW if we need liquid anibiotics when we get sick? I feel a sinus infection comming on. I am 3 months post op. I know I dont absorb vitamins etc as well... would a liquid be better for me?? Will get into the walk in center tonight or tomorrow.    — k r. (posted on November 22, 2002)

November 22, 2002
Hello, When i was doing my preops, they found H.Pylori in my stomach. When I went to my 2week postop check up he prescribed me a "Prev-Pac" which consists of 1-Prevacid tablet and 3 antibiotic capsules (1Biaxin, and 2-Trimox(amoxicillin) twice a day. Im still taking them (8 MORE pills a day really sucks and also has really messed up my taste buds that were already bad!!)Just 4 more days, YES. I dont think youll have to take liquid antibiotics, but I bet the dr. will want to decide that for you.
   — Marilayne M.

November 22, 2002
A few months post-op I was able to take Cipro in tablet form with no problems.
   — crishsapig

November 22, 2002
When I get sick and need antibiotics, I get the liquid, the pills are to dang big. The liquid dosnt taste bad either and its probably going to be easier on you to take that form. When ever its possible I get liquid medications, unless the pill form is really small....
   — Deanna Wise

November 23, 2002
I got Broncitis (sp?) 2 weeks ago and was given a Z-pack and I was able to take the pills with no problem.
   — Debbie W.

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