My doctor wants to insert a tube in my stomach to insert iron.

I have been suffering from anemia for almost a year now, even though I am taking all supplements my doctor has required. He now wants to insert a tube surgically into the part of my stomach no longer in use so that I can inject the iron directly in there and then into the intestines that are bypassed to absorb the iron quickly. Has anyone ever heard of this procedure?    — Kim E. (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
Praise Jesus! Hi Kim! I have anemia too. I cannot have a surgery date until my blood count is what it should be. Iron pills did not help me this time at all. My pcp decided to have Ferric Gluconate given to me.It's given in iv, and the treatment takes an hour. I had 3 scheduled this summer.I only had 1 done because I was ill, nothing to do with the ferric gluconate! My pcp scheduled for me to have 8 done, all within 3 weeks. I go for my 4th treatment tomorrow 11-22-02. I've had no side effects at all.I have my blood checked in early dec. Good Luck! and let me know what happens. Angie
   — Angie H.

November 21, 2002
Praise Jesus! Hi Kim! It'Angie again.I looked up the ferric gluconate on the internet, there is so much imfomation. I've read in some of the profiles how some people get b-12 shots.I'm going to find out more about that,too. And girl CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Your're doing so well, and I bet you're looking great!!! You go Kim!!! Angie
   — Angie H.

November 21, 2002
I've heard of iron infusion, but not this procedure you described. Sounds interesting. What kind of iron were you taking? Some are better absorbed than others. And not all of us are alike. I was hidesouly anemic (most of my life, actually) and the WLS didn't help. I was taking mega-doses of Rx iron and our ins. stopped paying. We took a chance and gradually replaced that with a little cheap iron and ended up coming out of anemia on 1/3 the mg of iron. It just was the right iron for us. Ferrous sulfate is pretty much a dud for everyone, but there are others that are much better absorbed AND way easier on us.
   — vitalady

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