What is Pulmonry Hypertension?

i went for pre op testing and found i have pulmonary Hypertension...anyone else have this problem..Thank in advance for your help ...Penny    — Penny N. (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
I'm so sorry for you. It is a nasty disease. My Mom and I went for a cross country train ride in 1996 and because of it she got a blood clot that went from her leg into her lung(s) and now has PH. (Non smoker with a lung disease, go figure). It is my understanding that the blood presure from the lungs to the heart is high. It can cause right side heart enlargement and failure. I almost lost her to congestive heart failure in 1999/2000. So far there is no cure for PH. I thought I heard that only one person in every million (or is it two million ?) people get it. They really don't care about finding a cure as not enough people have it so it is'nt cost effective. I pity anyone that has it as I know what it has done to my Mom. Stay on top of it! (She is now on permanate o2).
   — Danmark

November 21, 2002
I have PH. I was diagnosed during my pre op testing also. Find a really good pulmonalogist. He told me to lose some of the weight and come back for a repeat echo. After I lost 50 pounds I had another echo. There was no change. He did a spiral lung CT to make sure there weren't any clots causing it, then a sleep apnea test because that can cause it also. Both of those were negative so I'm waiting for my next appointment to discuss our next move. Oh yeah, and past use of Phen/Fen can cause is. Please email me with any questions.
   — Traci B.

November 21, 2002
i was diagnosed with ph months before my surgery by my cardiologist. i saw a pulmonologist who verified the diagnosis. i was put on medications to control it. he said i needed to lose weight & it will get better. he is not wls friendly (i didnt know that lol) & told him what my plan was. he got very upset & along came the 'u can do it' lecture. booorrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnggggggg!!!!!!!! thank god i didnt need his approval for the surgery. my cardiologist on the other hand is very wls friendly & he was thrilled with my plans because i was to be his very first cardio/wls patient. at 3 weeks post op my honey had an appt with the cardio. the office staff had to look at me twice before they realized it was me lol. he turned honey's visit into mine lolol & took away ALL my meds. he now sends his patients to bariatric dr's to see if they can have wls. the point i am trying to make (sorry for running on) is, i no longer have sleep apnea or ph. 11 mos post op, -120 lbs. open rny/silastic ring. good luck & god bless u.
   — sheryl titone

November 22, 2002
I have PH along with some other cardiac problems. My cardiologist is very excited about me having this surgery, he believes that the PH along with the other problems will resolve and hopes to be able to discontinue most of my medications. This would be a good thing, I take 18 different perscriptions each day! Godd luck on your journey! God Bless! <><
   — garnet156

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