Does anyone ever feel like Splenda causes them to

I am having trouble figuring out what is going on, but I have had the third "episode" today after using a Splenda product where my heart gets racy and I get a little queasy. I am 4 weeks post -op Open RYN. The first time it happened after a Fruit 2 0 and this time after adding No Sugar Added Nesquick to a protein shake. Is it possible my body is confusing Splenda for sugar...has anyone else felt this way after using a Splenda sweetened product?? I have had no problems when using Sweet& Low or Equal.    — Linda 1. (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
Sounds like dumping to me.... I'm sorry this is happening to you.
   — paulsgirl

November 21, 2002
I don't know, but I have had unexplainable things like that happen to me, too. Not with Splenda, but with sugar-free protein bars. If it doesn't have sugar in it, it shouldn't make me dump. But the Peanut Butter & Jelly flavor of the CarbSolutions bars did. I think it's all trial and error. If it makes you feel bad, don't eat it!
   — ctyst

November 21, 2002
Sounds like the dump --- and carbs (sugar) make me hungry and I don't use Splendla or any sweetner if possible - If I drink ice tea with Spenda or Diet Cokes etc I get quezzy stomach feeling --- so PLAIN ice tea and water are the answer for me right now.
   — charlene M.

November 21, 2002
I too dumped on Fruit 2o. Felt like someone had shot me up with too much morphine. I slept for 3 hours and didn't even realize it. I had used Splenda prior to that, but I think some products just have too much for our delicate systems to handle. If I use two "packets" in my decaf coffee I have no problems. I won't use any amount above that.
   — Sandra C.

November 22, 2002
Splena is actully a sugar sacralose. But scientist have "tweeked" it's molicules so that it passes through the body with out being digested. Since it is still in your intestines it can be causeing a dumping syndrome for you. While I my self 6 mo post op have no problem using Splenda now, I did within a few weeks of surgery. Give it time. Now splenda does not have and carbs sugars or calories applied to it. I got my info on splenda from an old magazine " FITNESS" november 1999 issue. I"m a nurse I keep them all lol
   — alecia L.

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