I am exactly 2mos post.Why do I feel bloated and I gained 1 pound?

I am 2mos post op. I have lost 102 pds. I have a strict exercise routine, I keep track of my food, protein and water. My calories are always under 1000. What is going on with this bloating feeling and I gained 1 pd. How can this be? Anybody have any input??    — Elizabeth C. (posted on November 19, 2002)

November 19, 2002
I have to agree with the previous poster. I'm a few days shy of 2 months post-op myself and have lost 53 lbs. My weight loss has slowed dramatically in the past month. It fell off like crazy the first month. I assume that is because most of what we lose at the very beginning is water. In any case, you have lost twice what I've lost in the same amount of time. And I feel bloated from time to time too. Take some Gas-X and see if you feel better. It helps me.
   — ediecat

November 20, 2002
I can't even fathom a weight loss of 100 pounds in two months! I've never heard of anyone doing that. I'm only down 48 in two months. No offense, but I really think you're obsessing too much over one pound gained. Our body weight fluctuates a bit, it's a natural thing. Could you be retaining water, or could it be that time of the month? Maybe you need to check your sodium intake? I've heard that adding lemon juice to your water is a good way to flush out the sodium. But really - 1 pound up is nothing to worry about and could just be a fluke of the scale. You can't expect your weight loss to remain at this pace forever. It will slow down as you get further out, and you will hit plateaus occasionally. Also, since you said you work out religiously, it could easily be that you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat.
   — sandsonik

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