Has anyone out there had a problem with where their stomach overlaps and reaches

their upper thigh and now has rubbed a blister type thing on there? It is very painful. My body is shrinking and now my stomach is not as large, so it hangs some and with it and the binder, it has rubbed like a blood blister on my leg and when I walk or when the stomach touches it when I sit down or bend, it hurts like crazy. I have put gauze to pad it, but that doesn't help. Please e-mail me and let me know what I can do. Thanks    — Janice P. (posted on November 18, 2002)

November 18, 2002
As Lisa said get your doctor to document it. The insurance company will want to see the documentation to approve reconstructive surgery.
   — Cheryl S.

November 19, 2002
You definitely need to see your dr, so you can document the problem and get insurance to pay for surgery. You may have a problem with yeast. Until you can get to the doctor try some over the counter monostat cream and eat yogurt, drink buttermilk, and you could even take some acidophilus supplements. All of these will help with your problem.
   — denaa

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