What's the reason for the urine test?

I had my pre admin tests done and they found blood in my urine. I spot a LOT because my periods are irratic and I told the doc that i was spotting and he said, well then that's ok, I don't have to have another urine test. But what is the urine test for? What if there was blood in my urine? What would that mean? What are the possible complications of that? Anyone know? Thanks! Surgery scheduled for 12/3/02    — Toni M. (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
For women, the urine test is also confirmation that there is not a pregnancy. The Dr. said by law they HAVE to check for that.
   — Dana B.

November 17, 2002
I had open rny on 10/15/02 ans did a urine test as part of my pre-ops. I had blood in my urine also. The told me I had a urinary tract infection and gave a script for antibiotics. Then on the morning of surgery I got another urine test for pregnancy...and I still had the UTI so they called the surgeon and he had then start me on IV antibiotics. I went into surgery 1/2 hour later. No complications or anything!!
   — cherokey55

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