Refresh my memory........why so much protein??

Hi. I am having surgery in a week. I have read a lot and researched this whole thing to death. Now, after people at my work have asked me questions, I am left wondering myself.......just why does a proximal RNY patient need such huge quantities of protein above anything else (aside from our vitamins, B12 etc) Thanks for answering a "silly" question!    — Katie E. (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 13, 2002
You cant get protein from any vitamin or B12. Our bodies need protein to survive. If you dont get enough, you'll feel really weak and your hair may start falling out. I could not get all my protein in the first 3 mths. I am at 3 mths right now and my hair is now falling out. But it will come back at 6 mths. My original surgery June 2001 caused my hair to fall out at 3 mths and came back in at 6 mths. Comes back in beautiful too. My final revisional surgery was just this past August 19th where I finally became I true bypass patient. And my hair is falling out again at 3 mths. I am now able to get my protein in.
   — Karla K.

November 13, 2002
The reason we need so much protein is that we don't absorb as much from our food as non-WLS people do. The body needs protein to repair itself. It aids in the healing process, the replacement of dead skin and hair cells, and overall body health. Most people get sufficient protein for these needs through the food they eat. Since WLS patients malabsorb nutrients, we have to be doubly concerned about getting it in through both food and supplements. By the way, most WLS patients have some degree of hairloss starting at 3 months regardless of whether they have pushed protein or not. My surgeon believes it's due to the reduction of fats in the diet and post anesthesia effect. I took in 70+ grams of protein from day 3 post-op and still suffered hairloss!
   — LLinderman

November 14, 2002
Protein is also what helps to burn fuel more efficiently in our body. Protein helps to build muscle, which burns calories at a quicker rate. A lack of protein, and your weight loss will come from your muscle weight and not the fat. You definitely want to avoid that. Why do you think body builders always eat tons of protein?
   — Cindy R.

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