What can I take for the common cold?

I have a runny nose, sore throat, pressure on the old ears and in general feel like crap and have for 3 days. I am 10 months post-op and am not sure what I can/can't take. Any suggestions would be appreciated.    — Kathy J. (posted on November 9, 2002)

November 9, 2002
I had a bad chest cold at around 9 months. I took Comtrex caplets for a "deep chest cold" and they worked quite well with no upset to my pouch. You just need to avoid aspirin based and time released meds.
   — LLinderman

November 9, 2002
Diabetic tussin...tastes like crap works like heaven :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 10, 2002
You can take any Tylenol product, like Tylenol Cold and Flu. Hope you feel better soon!
   — Cindy R.

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