Pills I can swallow?

Hi Everyone! Can anyone recommend a good fiber supplement that comes in pill form that I can swallow...I totally hate chewing vitamins and would prefer to swallow them. (I know I'm not getting enough fiber!!) Also, at 6 months post-op how much Calcium Citrate should I be taking each day? Can anyone recommend a good brand? Thanks a bunch!!    — Binxalways (posted on November 8, 2002)

November 8, 2002
The usual calcium recommendation is 500 mg 3/day since only 500 can be absorbed at a a time.
   — Marti R.

November 8, 2002
My surgeon has me eat a small serving of Grape Nuts soaked in grape juice (sounds gross but is very good)and a couple of prunes or dried apricots every day for fiber - I eat the cereal in the morning and the dried fruit at night and it works wonders. Open RNY 11/29/01 - 158 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

November 8, 2002
I just love Benefiber. It is absolutely tasteless. You can mix it with anything hot or cold.
   — faybay

November 9, 2002
i have started having cracked wheat cereal every morning. i take whole wheat and whirl it in the blender to crack it. then i cook it in milk about 5 minutes and add splenda. it has virtually cured my terrible constipation problems. i checked with my dr because i was concerned about the high carbs but they said it was ok. i am not a health food freak but it does seem to make more sense to eat your nutrients than to take them in a pill. also, when i was looking at fiber products alot of them had sugar in them to make them taste good. try it and see what you think.
   — PATSY N.

November 9, 2002
My Dr. recommended Senokot. You can buy it over the counter and the pills aren't real big. They are safe to take daily. I take one a day to remain regular. If I need more the Dr. says its safe to take up to 3 a day. Believe me 3 does the trick.
   — Linda G.

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