16 weeks much can pouch take????

Ok, I am 16 weeks (4 months) out, down 83lbs. and noticed that my pouch that started out at one ounce, can take a lot this normal in this time frame? I can eat more than I was before, I am still loosing weight fine, but I am worried that I can eat a more 'normal' meal than I was a month or so ago. Granted I can't eat an entire piece of chicken, but I can eat about a quarter of it, with a litte bit of corn or potatos. I am scared that my pouch is going to get stretched too early.    — Trish R. (posted on November 5, 2002)

November 5, 2002
Your pouch will stretch with time. It is made very small at surgery to accomodate the stretching. I had an Upper GI done 7 months post-op and my pouch was 4 ounces, which the doctor said was perfect. At that time I could easily eat 6 - 8 ounces of cottage cheese and my surgeon said that was about right. I can, however, eat only about 2 -3 ounces of denser foods like meats. I think you are probably fine. The pouch is very difficult to stretch in the way about which you are concerned. Relax and enjoy the weight loss.
   — Patty_Butler

November 5, 2002
I'm sorry, but I had to laugh. When have any of us ever eaten 1/4 of a piece of chicken and a bit of veggies and considered it even close to a normal sized meal??? You are fine and right on schedule. We aren't intended to starve forever. We have to begin to be able to eat more so that when we do reach the maintenance stage we can. If all we could eat for life was 3 or 4 ounces of food a day, we'd starve to death eventually. The key from here on out, is eating GOOD food - skip the corn and potatoes when you can. Now that you can eat more be sure and choose proteins and good green veggies to fill that pouch up. Any white veggie or root (except cauliflower which is considered a green veggies - go figure; and carrots which are almost as bad for you as potatoes) is very high in starches and carbs and have a high glycemic rating and will eventually stall your weight loss. Good luck and don't be scared - you're doing great!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 5, 2002
Patty is right, it is difficult to stretch the pouch. The pouch will stretch over time- it is supposed to!! Otherwise you would whittle away to nothing and DIE. You can stretch the pouch further, which we definitely do not want to do, by overeating and overstuffing all the time. You will notice over time that you can eat more- NORMAL. At 9 months post-op, I can now eat 1/2 a meat sandwich with the bread, at 4 months, I would have to take the top layer of bread off and finish 3/4 of it.
   — Cindy R.

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