What is it that causes food to get stuck in my throat now?
I didn't have throat surgery so I'm so confused by this. It's been 10 months since surgery for me and this probably ruins a lot of meals for me. Once it happens, I don't feel like eating anymore. Thanks. — Janice P. (posted on November 4, 2002)
November 3, 2002
I haven't had the surgery yet, but if you had the Roux-En-Y surgery, the
esophagus is pulled down toward the new pouch (or so I have learned) and
this is why we must chew and chew and chew our foods before swallowing. By
pulling down the esophagus, it makes the circumference of the esophagus
smaller for food to pass through. Start taking smaller bites of food and
be sure to chew the bites throughly before swallowing. It may help you out
some. Good luck!!
— Daphine C.
November 3, 2002
Well i thought i was going out of my mind!!! im sorry this happened to you
but glad because i was about to ask my dr if it was just old age!!! It
doesnt happen to me all the time but a lot of times and sometimes i have to
take a drink of water to wash it away!!! wow...i was getting nervous..!!!!!
— Jackiis
November 3, 2002
Just another thought -- Does your jaw ever "click" or
"lock" on you? If so, the swallowing thing may be TMJ. I have
this and swallowing does give me a problem once in a while. We do alot of
chewing now, so see your Dr. and see if this could be a problem.
— Dana B.
November 4, 2002
I had this same problem but a little more extreme. I had the feeling of
food getting "stuck" in my throat and I also felt like someone
was stabbing me in the stomach with a fork. So, last Friday I had an Upper
Endoscopy and they found that the hole from my pouch to my intestines was
to small. Once they dilated it to the correct size 10mm I felt great.
Food doesn't make me want to run and hide anymore. I'm eating real food
even meat without any trouble or weird feelings. Just a thought, you may
want to talk to your doctor though.
— Rachel W.
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