What is your docs post op regimine like?

How often do you get lab work. What else is involved in your post op care??    — k r. (posted on November 1, 2002)

November 1, 2002
Let see if I can remember this correctly. We get labs done at 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, then at the 1 year mark. Then they do labs at 18 months which is the last one. They then have you follow up with your PCP as needed. They have support group meetings once a month where the surgeons, bariatric case manager, nutritionist, and RN attend the meetings. We are able to utilize the 'experts' when asking questions. The nutritionist is available not only for appointments, but has a time slot from 5:30-7:00 before the meeting, to come in for evaluation, recommendations, weigh-ins, body fat measurement, additional labs when needed, and advice. Our surgeons group also requires their patients to eat something before releasing us from the hospital. So the liquid diet lasts for 24 hours. We then eat soft solids before discharge. Our only restriction for 4 weeks are meats and foods with casing (peas, corn, etc.). Our follow up care is phenomenal and I feel very fortunate to have access to a top-notch health care system.
   — Cheri M.

November 1, 2002
Aloha!!! My surgeon's follow up lab work routine is as follows: Clinic appointments are 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks post op. Then 3 months, 6 months and 1 year unless you are having issues. As far as lab work goes, he has labs drawn every other month to keep an eye on malabsorption issues and anemia. He runs CBC, Thyroid Panel, B12, Liver Enzymes and Protein Levels. If the CBC comes back as showing anemia, he will follow up with Iron panels on subsequent lab orders to check the Iron levels in conjunction with the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. To make sure that my labs are on track, I take my Prenatal vitamins every day. I have a B12 injection once a month. I also take Iron supplements because I was starting to show a slight case of anemia. Right now, everything looks really good (I am 12 weeks post op and have lost 76 pounds! WOOO HOOO!!). Hope this helps!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii)..........
   — KathieInHawaii

November 2, 2002
Mine were similar to the above but after my last surgery check up at end of year, every time my pcp checks blood I always ask to include protein because of the surgery. He always does with no problem. I haven't really ever had my last apt, because I have had to have follow up surgery each year for another issue so I haven't really left him.
   — Elizabeth K.

November 3, 2002
Kelly, you guys have me scared out there. I had lap RYN on Oct. 15th of this year. I went back to my doctor the next week and after a few questions and looking at my incisions he told me to come back in three months. I asked him about the B-12 shots and he said not to worry about that because I had got enough B-12 while in the hospital to last several months. Well, I feel great - he told me to try solid foods and I am and doing very well with them. No major problems at all - I didn't even have to use any pain medication while in the hospital. I know that all doctors are different and Dr. Stahl came highly recommended and has been doing this type of surgery longer than most doctors in Alabama. I guess as long as I feel good I shouldn't complain but maybe I should mention to him what all you guys are having to go through. What do you think? Deb
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 4, 2002
With my doc, we have to go monthly for the first year for check ups and blood work. Then we go every 3 months for the 2nd year. He really believes in aftercare. They also strongly encourage us to go to the support group meetings, which, are twice a month. These meetings are headed up by his nurse and dietician.
   — Lori F.

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