I am 8 days post-op lap RNY and my abdomen itches so badly....any ideas?
Hey all -- I am 8 days post op lap RNY, beginning to feel somewhat normal again. My biggest complaint at this point is the itchiness! My steri strips have begun to come off, and it feels like my entire abdomen itches. Can I use anything on my abdomen/over my incisions? The itchiness doesn't seem to be permeating from the incisions themselves...but rather around them; nonetheless, I'm sure its the dang incisions causing them. Help...I don't want to scratch out my stitches! (Kidding). (Sort of). — Tamara K. (posted on October 29, 2002)
October 29, 2002
What is going on is called 'healing'! This is all normal. I would just keep
the areas moist with anitbiotic ointment, such as bacitracin. Keep from
itching these areas- it could slow down the healing process and possibly
cause an infection in those areas. Keep you finger nails short!!Good luck-
glad you are feeling well.
— Jan S.
October 29, 2002
I am six weeks post op and I still itch sometimes. I have found that my
abdomen is very dry. I put on lotion every night before I go to bed and
with the moisture, it itches less.
— nchaudoin
October 29, 2002
My daughter had the same problem and we discovered she was allergic to the
adhesive tape. Once that came off she felt much better.
— j D.
October 29, 2002
I put Neosporin on my incisions. The moisture stopped the itching. Even
better, buy the Wal-Mart brand - it has the same ingredients, you get a
bigger tube, and it's cheaper! I'm convinced this will also lessen the
— Angie M.
October 29, 2002
Hi, I am alergic to tape and so I use Cortisone cream. You can get a RX
from yur doctor for a strong dosage. Good Luck!
— Mae B.
October 30, 2002
I had the same problem, it finally went away about 3 weeks out. I was
allergic to the tape so they used a special tape on me. My itches weren't
near the incisions and there was nothing I could do to stop the itching.
Just try to ignore it, I know it is hard!
— Debbie W.
November 1, 2002
Gold Bond Powder or lotion
— Wannabe A.
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