My Zero Carb says 15 gms of protein I keep reading about 40 grms????

Where are you guys getting the premixed in a glass bottle of Zero Carb that has 40 gms in it? I got this that I have at High Health and it says 16 oz./1 serving with 15 gms of protein. I thought when I went to buy it that I was getting the same as I had read about. So please help if you have any idea what's going on here. I bought the same flavors that it talks about on the page where they rate this stuff. So now I'm confused. Thanks in advance of your help.    — Sharon B. (posted on October 28, 2002)

October 28, 2002
I don't know about what your getting at High health. I get my Isopure Zero Carb directly from I get a 20 oz. glass bottle that contains 2 grams of predigested protein per oz which equals 40 grams/bottle.
   — LLinderman

October 28, 2002
I don't know about you guys...but when I go to "" I get a water-filtration machine company.....(?)
   — Karen K.

October 28, 2002
Hi--I found a place that carries it on-line (I was very curious too). Here's the address... And actually this place seems to have a really great price on it (about $25 for 12 bottles). If you refer a friend you can get a coupon for 20% off. (by the way, feel free to use my name--I'd love a coupon! [email protected]/Karen Kaye) I hope this helps!!
   — Karen K.

October 28, 2002
I have the same problem as you Karen is a water filtration system.something is wrong
   — Janet S.

October 28, 2002
There are two kinds of the Isopure drink- one with 15 gr. and one with 40 gr. MY GNC carries both. Just look at the back label because it is hard to distinguish one from the other. I think the lower protein drink says "Sport" on the front.
   — Charree K.

October 29, 2002
I went to that website that sells Isopure by the case - It seems like it would be cheaper to buy it like that - BUT - I filled out an order for 2 cases and after they added the shipping and handling charge(s) it turned out I would be paying around $4.25 per bottle instead of the $3.50 I pay at GNC now. Boy this stuff is expensive!!
   — Kim A.

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