dvt-blood clot

my sister had surgery on 9\6 she has a blood clot behind her knee but it is a deep vein thrombosis DVT (spelling) she has had nothing but complications from the surgery and her doctor told her she will need another surgery if she wants to get better. she is afraid that she will get more blood clots and die. does anyone know of anything they can do in order to prevent her from getting anymore. she was also told that she will never be able to cross her leg (one of the many reasons she wanted surgery) she will never be able to take birth control pills or sit for longer than two hours at a time. i thought that when you had a blood clot and it dissolved it would be fine. please respond i would greatly appreciate it. thank you    — jessica B. (posted on October 20, 2002)

October 20, 2002
I am no expert on this subject, but I will offer what I know. I had surgery on Sept 16, 2002. When I was in bed they kept foot pumps on me, (some places have the ones that go on the ankles) to help prevent clots. I also had heprin to help prevent clots. If she is sitting in a chair, she could request for the nurses to put them on her, while in hospital. Just tell her to remember to keep her feet moving when she thinks of it, and of course walking helps too. Hope this helps, and tell her good luck from me.
   — Tammy .

October 20, 2002
Hi, I also had DVT in my right leg. I did have the Greenfield filter put in prior to my surgery as a precaution, and your sister definitely needs it put in before even considring having another operation. It is put in through the groin or in my case the neck, into the main artery leading to your heart. It grabs any clots and prevents them from getting to your heart. I agree with the other poster that said she needs to be on heparin. I was put on both heparin and coumadin blood thinners. The only thing that I don't understand is why the doctor told her that she will never be able to cross her legs. I had several clots in my leg and I don't have any problems crossing my legs, or sitting for long periods of time. Please make her doctor explain himself. My heart is with you both. I know how scary this is!! God Bless You.
   — Shelley P.

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