Blood Clots---Prevention?

I am scheduled for surgery in Charlotte, NC on 12-11-02. My biggest concern (risk-wise!) is development of blood clots such as pulmonary embolisms. What questions should I ask my surgeon at my pre-op visit? What prevention methods are available that I should ask for? THANK YOU for any information you can provide. This website is the greatest!    — asumamma1 (posted on October 20, 2002)

October 20, 2002
Well they normall give heprin shots while your in the hospital and use surgical hose or better massage trousers that massage your legs to help prevent clots. The massage was pleasant. YOU are largely able to minimize the risk! Get up and WALK the halls right after surgery and every day thereafter. Dont lounge about, start walking the neighborhood AS SOON as your home and every day thereafter. Avoid sitting for more than 2 hours without moving around and at least walking around the house. All this activity will truly help you feel better while reducing the biggest risk of surgery, blood clots!
   — bob-haller

October 20, 2002
I'd ask a few questions: 1) Will you be getting any medications to help prevent blood clots (remember, though, nothing will actually 100% prevent blood clots...anyone who has any kind of surgery is at risk). 2) Will you be wearing support stockings before and after surgery? 3) Will the nurse in the operating room and the nurses on the nursing unit be applying SCD's to your legs? (these are sequential compression devices that blow up around your leg to stimulate circulation). 4) What can you do to help prevent blood clots (i.e. stop smoking, practice deep breathing and coughing before AND after surgery, start walking now to build muscles and improve circulation). 4) How soon after surgery do the nurses get you up to walk? 5) How often will you be getting breathing treatments during your hospitalization?
   — Lynette B.

October 20, 2002
Martha I had the same concerns that you have so did my doctor I was given lovenox injections which I had to give myself at home for 10 days and I also have a greenfied filter. That was very comforting to know it was there. Please ask your doctor about getting one. Please take a moment to look it up in the library for more detailed info but in short it is a little metal filter that looks like a little umbrella on 3 leggs when it is open it has lil holes in the top of it to allow the blood to flow through but it prevents clots from traveling to the heart and lungs. It is inserted into a main vein in your pelvic area through the groin or neck ( during surgery in my case after your asleep )If a clot was to form it would be trapped in the filter and the flow of blood pounding it will eventually disolve it. It will always be there once its in its in for good, but you never know it you don't feel it I had only a small bruise on my neck where the inserted it and it was gone in 2 weeks. Its is good to know its there and I never have to worry about PE if I ever have to have surgery in the future. It was the best thing for me and yes it put me at ease. Good luck on your journey. Brie
   — Subrina D.

October 20, 2002
They will give you special stockings to wear in the hospital and give you heparin shots constantly. It is your job to walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, you get the picture........
   — salymsmommy

October 21, 2002
One of the biggest things you yourself can do is to drink plenty of water and keep moving. Not neccessarily vigerous exercise, just to get up and move around instead of sitting or lying down all day long. They will probably give you some sort of blood thinner in the hospital. I had Heprin. You should be OK. Just follow the rules you doctor gives you and you should be good to go.
   — sammygirlwpc

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