How accurate is the cottage cheese test?

I was wondering too why the amount of cheese you eat isn't your pouch size. Why is it the water you can pour into the leftover amount? Am I suppose eat all I can in 5 minutes without getting sick or just until I feel full?    — Candace F. (posted on October 18, 2002)

October 18, 2002
The water that you pour in the container *replaces* the amount that you ate. That would be your pouch size. At least that is their theory. Those of us that have a stoma that is maybe too large, the cottage cheese would go through faster, and would have to eat something of more consistency to measure accurately. When I eat meat, it fills me up with just 2 oz., therefore my pouch only holds 2 oz.. I can eat a lot more cottage cheese, but I can drink a lot more water and eat a lot more soup than 2 oz. But that is because it flows through. Personally, I don't think the CC test works for me.
   — Cheri M.

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