Could being MO cause headaches?

Can being MO cause headaches? I wake up every morning with a headache.I have been doing this for about 6 months or longer. I live on Aleve or Motrin 800mgs. Sometimes they get better with this and sometimes I suffer all day long. It is not sinus related, I do know that. It is located in the left temple and sometimes behind the left eye. Same place everytime.Can the cause of this be my weight? 100+ pounds over ideal. It really can ruin a person's day!    — Jan S. (posted on October 18, 2002)

October 18, 2002
I know from personal experience that high blood pressure and sleep apnea can cause morning headaches. You may be stopping breathing at night. I often awoke with a headache and after I got my c-pap I had no problem.
   — Oldsoul

October 18, 2002
As Mary said it is probably from high blood pressure and/or sleep apnea. I had both pre op but I have not had them since surgery a year ago. My blood pressure is now normal and the apnea has disppeared. Could also be dehydration during the night. If you haven't already get your blood pressure checked and tested for sleep apnea. Two things you don't want to ignore.
   — Tammy N.

October 18, 2002
I would definitely talk to you PCP about this. My first noticeable sleep apnea symptom was severe morning haedaches that sometimes lasted all day. Other sleep apnea symptoms include snoring, waking frequently to go to the bathroom, lack of concentration, ability to fall asleep anytime or anywhere, dozing off while driving, general feeling of being sleep deprived no matter how long you sleep, among others. I'm happy to say my sleep apnea is gone now after losing 99 pounds and I never have those morning headaches anymore.
   — Melissa F.

October 19, 2002
I don't really have an answer for your question, but I have noticed that since the operation I have a lot fewer headaches, and now they can be handled with one Tylenol, whereas before two ibuprofen didn't always do the job. I'm still morbidly obese since I'm only four weeks out, but I think my blood pressure has lowered and my diet is sure better for me.
   — sandsonik

October 19, 2002
You didn't mention if you had ever seen a doctor specifically for these headaches. Headaches can have so many causes. I had severe headaches prior to surgery. I went to the doc and she diagnosed them as migraine headaches. I tried all kinds of migraine medicines and none helped. She even tried preventative medications that didn't help. It was strange but the only thing that helped some of the time was 800 mgs of Ibuprofen. I hardly get headaches now since I am post-op. But the couple headaches I have had I still have to take Ibuprofen to relieve them, even though we are not supposed to take that after surgery. I don't have a choice. If anyone knows of something else that we are allowed to take please let me know. Tylenol does absolutely nothing for them. Good luck to you.
   — Laurel C.

October 20, 2002
In answer to your question... I had very severe headaches for approximately 3 years with other symptoms such as flashing lights, blurred vision, dizziness and nausea. After many tests I was diagnosed with a condition called pseudotumor cerebri which is an accumulation of excessive abnormal amount of cerebrospinal fluid which causes intracranial pressure. My headaches were similar to migraines in their symptoms and frequency and medication they responded to. I also was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea which can also cause severe headaches. Please check with your doctor... my PCP referred me to a neuropthalmologist who discovered the pseudotumor condition and began the treatment with 3 meds ( 2 for pain and one diuretic )and two spinal taps to "drain" the extra fluid. I am now nearly 9 months post op and 130 lbs lighter AND off all meds and the CPAP machine.My headaches have decreased in severity AND frequency and they are nowhere near as debilitating! So there is hope just notify your doctor as soon as possible so that the cause of YOUR headaches can be found and effectively treated. Bless you.
   — Julie S.

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