Okay Ladies this is for you...

Since my surgery on 10/15/01, I have lost 173lbs, which is great! Unfortunately, I have had severe problems with my cycles. In the last 3 months I have had 6 periods and not just little ones, very painful, very heavy ones. I have PCOS and have been on birth control since I was 12 because of it. I am currently on Yasmin. My gyno even has me skip the placebo pills so that I don't get a cycle and it still comes! I have had ultrasounds and thankfully no problems, but I am at a loss as to what to do. My gyno is too. She feels it is from the sudden weight loss, which may be correct, but I have had people tell me that I am white as a ghost and have been having dizzy spells lately. Any suggestions as to what may be the problem? Thanks in advance!    — Marcie B. (posted on October 17, 2002)

October 17, 2002
You say your white as a ghost and are dizzy? Have you had bloodwork done to see if your anemic? I'm anemic and thats how I feel.
   — Sue F.

October 17, 2002
I also have PCOS but I had normal periods for years before I suddenly stopped having them - after a weight loss of 70 lbs. But then I had NO periods. No periods for 4 years! My gyno put switched my birth control pills quite often because I couldn't stand the estrogen in them and the women in my family can't seem to take them. Then finally I got a period - one that wouldn't go away! I bled for 4 months straight and was very anemic. In order to stop the flow, my gyno had my try mega dosing on ibuprophen (1500mg a day for 3 days) - that didn't work - even though I did it for 5 days. She then had my try taking provera - couldn't take that - that made me nuts! She then consulted with a doctor and he said that I needed to GO OFF the birth control to shock my system back into a normal sort of rhythm. He said that it should work almost immediately but it took about 2.5 weeks to make it stop. I then resumed my normal periods. I just got my tubes tied last February and so I could stop taking the pill. Now I no longer have periods again (even though I should) and I should take the pill about 4 times/year (4 months that is) b/c not having a period - when you should be - can lead to cancer. (the unshed cells turn cancerous). So.. I would ask your gyno about going off the pill for awhile and use other protection until then.
   — Lisa B.

October 17, 2002
1. Check your Iron levels and 2. How about you go see a Endo for your PCOS? Sorry to say this again and again, but PCOS is an Endocrine Disorder. Don't look at it as a reproductive issue it stems from somewhere else (a GYN is for reproductive issues and their answer for everything is a stupid BC pill). BC Pills mask symptoms, they don't always help this situation. Perhaps it can be controlled by another approach- GO SEE AN EXPERT!
   — Karen R.

October 17, 2002
I have PCO too and if anything, weight loss has helped normalize my cycles. I agree, you should see a Reproductive Endocrinologist.
   — LisaTaz

October 17, 2002
About 10 years ago, when I was at my heaviest weight (400+) I had a condition where I was having horrible heavy periods, almost nonstop, with heavy bleeding (it went way beyond any normal type of period). My ob/gyn did a uterine biopsy in her office and I had a pre-cancerous condition of the endometrium (lining of the uterus), related to PCOS and years of irregular cycles, etc. I have been on prometrium or provera ever since--a hormone that I take two weeks on and two weeks off. It cleared up the problem and regulated me. At the time, I also felt weak and blood tests revealed I was anemic from the heavy blood loss. You may want to consult with your doctor to see if your current problem could be related to this. Congratulations on your success otherwise, and good luck!
   — Sarah S.

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