I spend so much money on food

not because I eat it all, it just that my taste change from day to day. For example, when I go food shopping I try to buy enough for two weeks, I buy fruits, vegetables and meats mostly. But most of the time it spoils or go to waste because I don't feel like eating it. My taste buds change so often that I'm spending way to much on food, and wasting way to much. My fridge is filled (thank god) but I still can't find anything to eat. Is it just me or has this happened to others.    — Rebe W. (posted on October 17, 2002)

October 17, 2002
Ha! Thats me too! I just discussed this with my husband and I have come up with a plan. I am so tired of all the fresh veggies and fruits going bad. Got an apple, but I want an orange, and I don't have an orange. Got bananas but I still want that orange. When I get oranges, the apples are bad and I want an apple. Had tons of fresh snap peas for a recipe that I didn't get around to making, so they went bad. My plan is this: I am going to plan what we will eat for the day and go to the grocery store to shop for the meal that I have planned. Hopefully that will save us money in the long run, buying ingredients AS I NEED THEM. I have been wasting so much money on stocking up and not using items. Or I may plan for 2 days instead of 1. I will see how this works. Hopefully it will, I don't want to go broke on wasted food.
   — Cheri M.

October 17, 2002
Why are you shopping for 2 weeks at one time? Just buy your staples that are not perishable once every two weeks, then make quick trips on the way home from work every few days to just buy the essential perishables. With that said, however, I do tend to buy what I think I will want and then it goes bad too!
   — Cindy R.

October 17, 2002
I agree with the previous answer, to make stops more frequently for perishables. However, with that said, I have to admit that I still buy too much! My problem stems from childhood. I was raised by an alcoholic mother who, among other dysfunctions, never knew how to budget money. Usually her Social Security check was spent by the middle of the month. My siblings and I ate like kings (and mother partied hearty) the first few days of the month, then we were eating bread w/sugar or mayonnaise, or plain oatmeal for the last few days of the month. It's no wonder that when I went into foster care at age 10, I found love and comfort -- in food. I still have to keep the pantry stocked, even though I eat my 3 or 4 little meals each day! But now I love myself and my improved health more than any food item in the pantry or the frig! :) - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -76lbs.
   — Anna L.

October 17, 2002
I have the same problem. I started going to get fresh fruits and veggies every 3 days or so....Sometimes, I pack my lunch and on the way to work change my mind and stop by the store and get something different.
   — Sharon H.

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