I need relief immediately!!!

And I mean immediately, before I go insane! I am terribly I know all about how to keep regular and I have quite a system in place. But right now I feel horrible. I haven't gone in days, taking my fiber caps, laxatives, drinking TONS of water trying to move things along. Now, without sounding gross - here's what I believe the problem to be: This has happened to me once before. I think hanging out way at the bottom of my system is a very, very large, compacted amount of you know what. Now, over the last few days, behind it there has been more accumulating. It's not so much constipation than it is that I just can't push the part that's acting as a plug out. For this situation, will laxatives even work??? It's making me miserable. I am at work and can't concentrate, I don't want to eat because I am so backed up that it's practically making me nauseous, my tummy is sticking way out, I swear it's putting pressure on my bladder and, don't laugh...but it's actually making me walk funny. What can I do?????    — PaulaM (posted on October 17, 2002)

October 17, 2002
My answer is just two words... Fleet enema.
   — Pat M.

October 17, 2002
Glycerin suppository!
   — MARSHA D.

October 17, 2002
Milk of Magnesia always does it for me! Take 4 Tablespoons and drink a glass of water. It should help to losen the "plug" (sorry) and get things moving again. Works like a charm! Good luck!
   — Stacy C.

October 17, 2002
Milk of Magnesia always does it for me! Take 4 Tablespoons and drink a glass of water. It should help to losen the "plug" (sorry) and get things moving again. Works like a charm! Good luck!
   — Stacy C.

October 17, 2002
I am still pre-op but here's what some of my post op friends say. Drink a cup of coffee. Eat some flax seeds. they say it works every time. good luck sherri
   — Sherri H.

October 17, 2002
You definitely need immediate relief. For this situation I would recommend the suppository or the enema so that 'the plug' is affected directly. I don't have experience with the enema. I have always used the suppository. It works real fast, dissolves that 'plug' and gets things moving along. They are really cheap too! Get something as soon as possible. Sounds like you are really backed up. Hope you find something that works for you. I had constipation probs that were chronic, even trying the FiberChoice, MOM, eating high fiber content foods, all to no avail. I started eating high fiber, whole wheat bread (1 piece a day) and have been regular since (4 months now). I did run out for 4 days this week and have started having problems again. (Its not as convenient as just going to the grocery store and picking up a loaf). But I do enjoy treating my bowel problems in a healthy, natural way.
   — Cheri M.

October 17, 2002
I would also recommend the gylcerin suppository. Works like a charm. Easy to purchase at any drugstore and inexpensive. Not only does it stimulate but it lubricates. Try it!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

October 17, 2002
I have this same problem and I had an appointment with my surgeon today he told me to get a suppository but also he told me everyday to take metimucil (sp) and it will help eliminate this problem. charlotte lap rny 7-29-02 70 lbs
   — Charlotte J.

October 17, 2002
First, call your doctor. Now I will tell you what my doctor has me do to prevent constipation - and he is adamant about it because I have diverticulosis. I eat a small bowl of Grape Nuts (1/4 cup) soaked in grape juice every morning. I know it sounds gross, but it really isn't bad. And every night I eat 3 or 4 prunes or dried apricots. He also called in a prescription for Miralax for me in case I did get constipated. It isn't a laxative (he doesn't want us to use laxatives) - it is an osmosis agent,meaning it makes the bowel absorb water. For now, I would definitely call either your surgeon or your PCP. It really sounds as though you have an impaction.
   — Patty_Butler

October 17, 2002
Ahhhhhh....Finally. Well, it was an hour of hard work when I cam home, but I resolved my problem. I beleive the last poster was right - I had an impaction more so than I was constipated. I will save the general public the grossness of how I took care of it but if you are having a similar problem, write to me and I will let you know. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I was so desperate I was ready to head for the emergency room. THANK YOU to everyone for trying to help me. :)
   — PaulaM

October 18, 2002
Hi Paula, Well what I think you need to do is buy this tea it's called Cinna or Cenna I don't remember the exact spelling but I know it works. Now just to warn you the tea is to slove the problem it is NOT for taste that's for sure. (YUK) Keep it as dark as possible use water but not so much water where the tea is a light color. I hope this helps Javoni. PS. I haven't had surgery so I don't know if you can have teas or not but if so this will work I'm pretty sure.
   — Javoni B.

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