Hairstyles- I need one!! Suggestions?

Hi all: My hair is in terrible shape and I haven't even had surgery yet!! I've done all kinds of things to it trying to get it to make it stay straight (I thought it made my face look thinner- Ha!) I have no bangs, I part it on the side, and it is long. For the last two years I have just worn in back in a ponytail. My husband claims he loves long hair, but mine looks terrible!!<br> Anyway, I think I should get a really cute feminine haircut that I can "grow into" after surgery. I'd like to have bands again and maybe even a short haircut? <b>Post ops- I need some advice here. Am I crazy to think about cutting it? What changes did your hair go through after surgery? What did you do to counteract the hair loss thing. All comments and/or references to haircuts I can print out and take to the hairdresser are much apprecited! Thanks! :)    — Write L. (posted on October 13, 2002)

October 13, 2002
   — sheri B.

October 13, 2002
There is a computer program you can get just about anywhere called Cosmopolitan Total Makeover. It is easy to use and one of the items it has in there is different hairstyles and colors you choose to put on a photo of YOU. So you know exactly what looks good. It has makeup, glasses, hats etc. It is fun to play with and only cost about $25.00.
   — Darlene P.

October 13, 2002
definately go for a new doo!! hair stylists used to love me when i went in the shop and told them to do something different to me. just don't make it too short, and i was always pleased. before my surgery i got new glasses, my teeth capped and a new hairdo. the weight loss helps me feel like a new person. You will want to go short so if your hair falls out it won't be as noticeable. i have very thin hair, and mine has fallen out some. my hairdresser told me to keep it real short because the weight of the long hair pulls on it and makes it fall out more. eat lots of protein afterwards. i also take the hair, skin and nails or you can take bioton which is supposed to help. good luck to you!!! open RNY 5-2-02 -89.5 pounds
   — candymom64

October 13, 2002
I had shoulder length hair until about the 4th month post-op, when I started noticing the thinning on top of my hair. I went to the hairdresser and said give me a short and cute doo. She did! And since then I have received so many compliments, that even tho my hair has almost all grown in again, I'm keeping it short!
   — Cindy R.

October 13, 2002
Before you do something drastic, like I once did. Cut some of it off now, add bangs, maybe layer it a bit, then live with that for a few months. Work your way into it. I cut 2 feet off my hair at one time. I put myself and everyone around me in shock for a few days. Try longer bangs and have it layered around your face. Course I dont know what your face shape is,but ive seen the cut and its cute.
   — RebeccaP

October 13, 2002
If your hair is all one length, you could also just cut it maybe shoulder length. It will have more body when the weight of the hair is cut back. Keep it long enough so that you still have the option of throwing it up in a pony-tail for those post-op feeling like crud days, but be able to do something cute on your good days. If you decide to go short, just don't go too short. I went super-short with mine during my hair loss phase, and I lost so much hair that you could see scalp:~(. It was that short!! And my hair was really fine and thin to begin with, so there wasn't much hope anyway. I just wish that I hadn't gone as short as I did! Get your hairdressers opinion. Like the prev. poster said, they love to do something different. Its fun getting a new do!
   — Cheri M.

October 13, 2002
Jen cut hers short when it thinned and she got tons of compliments. Of course I would prefer it waist length... She is beautiful no matter what. Short cuts mask thinning hair according to the pros...
   — bob-haller

October 13, 2002
This is to anyone getting a haircut - if you are cutting 10 or more inches off, please consider donating to Locks Of Love. They are an organization that makes wigs for kids that have lost their hair due to disease.
   — Toni C.

October 13, 2002
I agree with the previous poster who said to get bangs and have your hair layered. That way you can still keep most of the length, but it'll bounce around more and have more body to it. Highlights around the face are good too. Treat yourself to a nice stylist at a good salon and just have fun! Indulge yourself - you deserve it!
   — Angie M.

October 13, 2002
Someplaces have a computer program that can put your face with many different styles and colors. It would be worth your time and money to find one of these places and do this. I have the Cosmo home computer program. It is hard to do and does not look realistic. I also think highlights around the face does wonders. I am naturally burnette, have been blonde for many years, and just recently turned red or auburn with light highlights and love it. Long layers do well too, still have the length, can pull up and still wear down. Good luck and have fun!!
   — Jan S.

October 13, 2002
Don't I remember all too well trying to have the most flattering haircut for my round face! I think the style you say that you have now is probably one of the least flattering that I've tried on myself when I was obese. Since your hubby loves long hair, I'd start out now with getting some long layers that frames your face. This will flatter your face now and get your hubby used to some shorter layers, but it will still seem long. After surgery, for a while anyway, you won't feel like fixing it and you can still have the ease of sweeping it up into a ponytail. As you lose weight, keep the same style, only have your stylist shorten it to shoulder length all over, still keeping the long layers and still framing your face. Once you are a skinny-minnie....go crazy and cut it off in whatever style you then you'll be a hottie and your husband won't care what your hair looks like!
   — Lynette B.

October 13, 2002
Adriane: I'm not sure what kind of haircut you should try, but when I was very worried about losing hair after surgery, because my hair is already very thin. I'm seven months postop and so far (thank, God) I haven't noticed much hair loss. In fact, my hair is healthier. I went out and bought Nexium and have been using that. It was expensive and I actually tried to take it back, but now I am glad that I did keep it, because everyone says my hair looks healthier. I seriously doubt it will prevent hair loss. I don't know if anything will do that, but it makes your hair look thicker.
   — Lisa N M.

October 13, 2002
Adrian, I am a former hairdresser (over 15yrs) and I would suggest trimming a few inches now to give it a good shaping and leave the more drastic changes until after you have begun to lose some of your weight. Only because the shape of your face will change over the next few months and a hairstyle that might be flattering or just OK right now wont be right later. And besides, you will want to have more options after your weight loss. If you cut it all off now, you wont have them. Also I would recommend waiting to see how much thinning/loss you actually have, and then work with that. Do you have a really good hairdresser that you can trust? If not, go to the mall, look at the women and when you see someone that you really like their hair and that it looks well cared for, ask for a recommendation. If they love their hairdressers, they wont think twice before giving you a glowing referral. Good luck with your weight loss and let us know how the hair thing goes.
   — Melissa J.

November 29, 2002
For those looking for a free online computer program that lets you try different hairstyles on a picture of yourself, try this website: There's not too many hairstyles there, but at least you can play around with color and length without committing yourself!
   — Suzy C.

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