Does the c-pap machine help you feel better?

My father has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. He will use the cpap machine tonight for the first time. Other than keeping him breathing regularly, what other benefit can he expect from this machine? Will he feel better? He feels drowsy all day and sleeps several hours a day now.    — juvpd (posted on October 3, 2002)

October 3, 2002
I started using the CPAP machine about 2 months ago and I love it. Well, the mask can be kind of a nuisance, but before I got this machine I was waking up every 30-45 minutes, snoring horribly, would stop breathing frequently. Since I got the machine, I have woke up at most twice during the night and feel so much more rested. It is wonderful. I don't snore. I don't stop breathing. I wouldn't give it up for anything. I no longer dose off during the day, either, and wake up automatically after 8-9 hours sleep. Hope your father has as much luck as I am having.
   — Wendy M.

October 3, 2002
I never knew what poor quality of sleep I was getting until after I slept for a week with my CPAP. I slept the whole night through for the first time in years. For years I had been diagnosed with emphysema over ten years ago that they said was compromised by my allergies. I had a chronic cough that was driving me up a wall. It turns out that my diaphragm was having spasms during the day because of the lack of oxygen during the night. That and coupled with the fact that I slept with my mouth open and had chronic dry mouth and throat. I now have sweet dreams again. I hadn't had a dream in years. My husband started having a hard time sleeping because he wasn't used to the quiet.
   — Sue A.

October 3, 2002
I sure wish I could have all of these good responses. I have had my C-PAP for amout 2 months now, and I have not had any difference in my sleep pattern. I don't feel any different either. I still only sleep about 1 to 1 1/2 hours at a time. I put the mask on everynight and I still haven't slept through the night.
   — Patricia C.

October 3, 2002
My life restarted when I got my CPAP. Sure, it takes a little while to get the correct mask, fitted perfectly. BUt even with a bad fit I got better sleep than before. I had 125 events per hour, so even cutting back to 25 was an improvement. However, my CPAP had already become my best freind in about 4 hours. My husband did not experience the drastic change I did. He was only at 25 per hour, so he wasn't as much of a basket case as I was. He was drowsy during the day, but I fell asleep if I sat down. His noted improvement was over time. He could concentrate better, was more alert driving. I went from being non-functional to being able to function (brain) as well as my mornbidly obese body would allow. And of course, since our WLS, our CPAPs are parked side by side in the attic.
   — vitalady

October 3, 2002
OHHHHH buddy I didn't know what sleep was until I got my C-Pap in May 2002, nobody believed me when I said I didn't dream. I still rarely dream, but I feel good in the morning. I don't wake up with headache's. I have more energy, I don't get as depressed, I seem to be able to deal with life easier, My mind is more alert too. I don't keep everyone else in the house awake with my loud snoring any longer either,the benefits have been good, for me and my family. As the other's have stated, the mask can be difficult to deal with for a while, but NOW I don't think twice about it.
   — Moma V.

October 3, 2002
A CPAP definitely helps anyone with sleep apnea. I had it and it did wonders for me. Sometimes it is a pain to use because you have to fight the air coming into your lungs but once you can tolerate it, you sleep sooo much better. I used mine for awhile until just after surgery. Then between my shoulder pain and the bed being hard as a rock, I no longer used it and I returned mine just the other day. DId not use it for two months. Between it and my surgery, I no longer have sleep apnea. I have no headaches, when in a waiting room or sitting anywhere, I don't sleep at all, and I don't have to worry about sleeping on the job, anymore. I got in trouble for that a few times.
   — Lawrence R.

October 3, 2002
The CPap machine was a lifesaver for me. It was only after I was using it that I realized that before I was diagnosed, I was rude, irratable, impatiet, apathetic, mean, etc..etc... Being fatigued all the time has a lot more side effects that people realize...The Cpap machine is one of the best things that has happened to me.
   — thekatinthehat

October 5, 2002
WOW! For me the CPAP was a God-send. One week after using the machine I had my monthly checkup with my PCP(yes my doc has to see me that often). The nurse checked my blood pressure and said to me that it was good. When my doctor came in and saw the chart, he said that the results had to be wrong. He rechecked my blood pressure. It was correct. He said that the CPAP was definitely doing it's job. And my friends love me now. They let me sleep over. Before they'd wake me up to go home. I enjoy vacations because I can just take the machine with me and not have to worry. My roommate can sleep with her door open. No more telling me to turn on my side. I am no longer sleepy at work. Oh my gosh, I can go on and on. I don't thank God everyday for this little machine. I need to start. Thank you Jesus!
   — Alicia M.

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