Is there anything else they can do????

I have a stomach ulcer, and I am on Protonix, Reglen, and Carafate Slurrey. It is not working. My stomach is gnawing.. It burns if i don't eat and burns if I eat. It keeps me up at night. Is there anything else they can do, like go in and zap it with something???? PLEASE HELP.    — Sunny L. (posted on September 30, 2002)

September 30, 2002
I had an ulcer too and I was am still on protonix and carafate. It took a good 4 weeks to really start feeling better. Just watch what you eat. Don't have too much dairy, yogurt will make it hurt. Stay away from spicy foods, tomato sauce, citris juices. It take time to heal so you have to baby yourself. I don't know how long you have had it but it does take a while for it to heal. Your doc should give you another endoscopy to see if it is healed. I had mine after 2 months. I hope you feel better.
   — Bonnie S.

September 30, 2002
stick to a bland diet like bonnie said. Make sure keep communicating with your doc so htat they can work on this with you.
   — Vicki L.

October 5, 2002
I had to have mine surgically removed. 4 months of prevacid did not make any change in my ulcer.
   — RebeccaP

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