Just wondering how many of you have experienced significant difference in your hair?

Is your hair now brittle since the operation?    — Toni M. (posted on October 1, 2002)

September 27, 2002
I never lost any hair but then again I ate ALOT of meat. But I have noticed that my hair is even more "disgustingly" CURLY then ever in my life. Hence I've taken to cutting my hair extremely short to avoid the curls. (Curls are for girls). lol
   — Danmark

September 27, 2002
My hair seems a lot healthier. I have been taking 2400 mg of biotin/day since I was 3 months post op. (I'm now almost 10). I think between taking that plus my multi everyday, my hair is healthier now.
   — Kim B.

September 27, 2002
Good lord - yes! I am 4 months post op and my hair is not only falling out in handfulls - it's breaking! It is sooooo brittle! I don't know what to do - this really sucks! I have shoulder-length hair and am going to get a couple inches chopped off next week to try to disguise all the broken pieces.
   — Traci A.

September 27, 2002
My hair was falling out by the handfuls and my once very thick hair is now thin. That seems to have slowed down a little now, though. My biggest complaint is that my hair is so frizzy it looks terrible. I like my hair a bit long so I am hesitant to get it cut and fear it may not grow back very fast. I am just hoping that this frizzy mess begins to work itself out sometime soon and my hair can start to look like it did before.
   — Dona R.

September 27, 2002
Those of you having the "frizzy" problem with your hair: this is probably related to a lower fat intake / absorption. Make sure you are getting some fat in your diet, and treat your hair to cholesterol-based conditioning often. I am finding this helps. Regarding the hair falling out: mine is doing this now. Although I have so much, it isn't obvious yet, my clothes and where ever I sit tell the tale. I have found if I "play with" my hair with the windows down in my car, the loose hair flies right out. Sad. 3 weeks away from this site and this is the best I can offer...
   — Karen F.

September 27, 2002
I started with thin, fine hair which did get a lot thinner. I lost hair from month 3-6. The hair that came out is now about 2 inches long. I lost about half of my hair so I have a problem with the fly-away look. I have to use a pomade or hair wax to keep those crazy hairs in control and blended with what I have left. I'm so glad its growing back though. And is it worth it? Most definitely! I would go bald to have these results from WLS!!
   — Cheri M.

October 1, 2002
I am 10 weeks potop and my hair is highlighted...I notice it is stretching on the bleached part so it appears longer for a few days then breaks off, it's frizzy as can be, and yes it's falling out...I have tons of hair so right now I am okay with it...but I am a little worried in the back of my mind...I am more worried about my teeth...I am having trouble with one tooth, and never have had trouble before...
   — MF

October 1, 2002
Initially, I lost a lot of hair, and it's texture really changed. It was fine and brittle. Then, as it grew back, it grew back thicker, healthier, shinier and more beautiful than it has ever been! Hold out hope, ladies - it does get better!
   — Terissa R.

October 1, 2002
I am so very interested in the answers to dry,brittle and kindy hair. I have been swimming laps with a snorkel for several months (I am 9 months out fom a lap rny) and the last 2 months I have been greasing my hair down and wearing a cap - must have tried at least 8 different conditioners. I called Clairol and they said the chlorine in the pool had "overprocessed" my hair and to just bite the bullet and cut it. I was going to give up the swimming BUT since so many have this problem - will think again. Thanks you AMOS people!
   — charlene M.

August 4, 2004
Okay, I am 2 1/2 years out...don't even want to talk about weight loss, haven't had any for almost a year. My hair!!! I used to have hair with minimum waves, more straight than wavy, just some natural body. looks as if I have had a perm. My hair is so curly...I don't understand it. It almost looks frizzy and I can't stand it. Anyone else suffer this problem?
   — Jackie Y.

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