im 13 days post-op and today i started to have sharp pains on my left side under my b
I am 13 days post-op and today i started to have sharp pains on my left side of my chest. — e H. (posted on September 26, 2002)
September 25, 2002
some people will develop a mild pancreatitis following abdominal surgery.
CHeck with your doc. Otherwise, it can just be gas pains or muscle pulling.
— Vicki L.
September 25, 2002
I had this at about 4 weeks out, and it turned out to be a badly-pulled
muscle I got from vomiting one night. Has this happened to you? If it
doesn't go away quickly, don't hesitate to call your surgeon. I did, and
he told me right away that it was the right thing to do.
— AmyL
September 25, 2002
Please don't your surgeon ASAP. -Kim
— KimBo36
September 25, 2002
Call your doctor! In my case they decided it was probably my ribs moving
back into place.
— Mary U.
September 26, 2002
Please do call your dr. But a lot of folks have this--mine was at 2 1/2
weeks. It seems to be a combination of pain from the way they move the ribs
and/or gas pockets. Ouchie! Mine lasted a few days and, just when I had
resolved to call the dr, quit just as suddenly as it appeared.
— ctyst
September 26, 2002
A few weeks after my (open RNY) surgery, I also developed a sharp pain
under my left breast, to the left of my incision. I really noticed it if I
bent over such as shaving my legs. What my surgeon told me was that it was
my nerves and muscles beginning to heal. It felt like they were pulling
apart. I was told to take Advil (to decrease the swelling) in the morning
and again at night for 2 days. A few days later, the pain had lessened and
then I got more of a tingly feeling. It went away completely after about a
week. But yes, you should call your doctor anyway so they can note this in
your chart.
— Jennifer A.
September 26, 2002
I fyou had your surgery lap, you are feeling the side effects or healing
process associated with the instruments. I felt the same thing, thought I
was dying! My surgeon's support group said that it's just part of the
healing process, you had long instruments pulling and moving stuff around,
they are waking up and you feel it! Call your surgeon if you are
— jenn2002
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