Just had a gallbladder and abdominal sonogram....

and got a message from my Dr. that I need to have an abdominal CT done and liver function tests. I'm sure I'm panicking prematurely but does anyone in the medical field know what they might find on a gallbladder sono to warrant further tests? I have a call into my Dr. but I'm feeling pretty nervous. I've had right sided pain for a long time now and nothing has happened to me so I figured I was fine. Can a fatty liver cause tender pain on your right side? Thanks in advance for any info.    — denisel (posted on September 24, 2002)

September 24, 2002
Don't panic - You probably have gallstones. Sometimes they travel and they want to make sure you don't have any clogging any ducts. Usually gallstone require surgery, but it is more common than having your appendix out. They do the surgery lap and it generally has an over night stay in the hospital. I am going through the same thing. I was just getting ready to post a question when I saw yours. I will go ahead and post it seperatly so everyone will stay focused on your question. Hang in there.
   — Kathy P.

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