all the I leaving anything out? open RNY 10/15/02

Throughout the day I will be taking: 2 multis w/ iron (the good kind), calcium citrate 1200mg, Biotin 1600mcg, vit E softgels 400IU, subling. B-12, 500mg. I understand that the Boitin and Vit E are not required, but I have hair down to my tushie and want to keep it!!!LOL I am also searching for a protein supp I can stomach. Does it HAVE to be predigested? Will egg or milk type be ok? Is whey the ideal? Does all non caffiene liquid (like broth or crystal light) count or does it HAVE to be h2o?? Sorry so many questions packed in here...but better safe than sorry...I am also in need of an the St. Louis area.... Thank you, Terri    — cherokey55 (posted on September 17, 2002)

September 16, 2002
Terri, I do not take the vit E, but do take the biotin, and it has not helped. I leave a trail of hair where ever I go. I am just starting to take zinc as I have recently read this can be a deficiency that causes hair loss. Good luck to you!!PS, I have also heard that dry vitamin E is better then the gel not know the rationale, but have heard it.
   — Vicki L.

September 16, 2002
Not quite enough calc citrate, E must be in dry form, so a cap with dry powder. Since you are noticing 1 fat soluble vites, E, have you considered dry form A&D? Also, a low level zinc (50mg chelated) can often help with the protein uptake. If the protein is to help max, pre-digested is the best and of those, whey is #1. You do not have to use or touch milk. The egg & milk protein supps are ok, but lower in quality for our bodies. Some count all non-caf as liquids, I'm not convinced the body does. I've tried any kind of water "game" I could, as has my dh. We've both hads kidney stones & other probs related to lousy water intake. May not be worth it to play around with it.
   — vitalady

September 17, 2002
Hi... I am 5 months post op and down 74# and feeling great. My vitamin routine is: 1 super multivitamin w/ iron, Vitamin A (good for eyes), folic acid (good for hair), and either 1000 mcg of B12 sublingual or liquid under tongue in AM; mid day: Calcium citrate w/ magnesium and biotin (hair)and after dinner: multi, calcium/mag and then at bedtime my meds. If you are taking any meds don't take them near your vitamins as some impede absorption. I finally was steered to a protein I love and I am faithful with it: Pro Score 100 Chocolate (I mix mine (2 scoops) with about 2 oz of milk (for richness more) and 4 oz of cold water, l/2 cup of ice and blend. It is 32g of protein and then I make one also late afternoon before leaving work (I have an hour drive so this is my drive home "cocktail") To get your water in, try to go for the water. I keep spring water bottles in my fridge and at work and get in about 80-100 oz a day. You can have iced tea, crystal lite etc. but I really found water does the best and keeps the kidneys flushed also. Hair Loss: I began losing mine about 7-8 wks ago and had a pretty good head of hair. It is slowing down and I do have new growth but what is helping is using Nioxin Products (3 part components) along with folic acid, and now zinc. Use good products, avoid stress. You may find it good if it starts to get your long hair cut to remove stress to the roots. My best to you.
   — AJC750

September 17, 2002
Hey...I'm not even going to mess with the vitamin question cause I'm just taking what my Dr. ordered. ;-) (2 chewable one-a-days, 2 Calcium Citrates, iron, zinc, B-12, Vit.C) But I too had a big problem with protein powders and Kate mentioned on here about the Jarrow's Iso-Rich Soy Powder. I use it in almost everything that I cook...casseroles, gravy, milk in cereal, soups, tuna salad ect...2TBS = 24grams soy protein. It literally has no taste. As for the liquids, my Dr. said as long as it's sugar free and caffeine free, It counts! Good luck to you! Leah
   — Leah H.

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