Embarrassing bowel habits question.....

Hi! I am nine months post op and am down 110lbs! Yeah! I have seemed to develop a problem for the past month that is quite embarrassing. I have maybe one bowel movement per week and when I do it is large, painful, and hard. I remember my surgeon strictly stating: no straining or pushing and no laxatives. I have not changed what I eat recently either. Has anyone else had this and how do you remedy it? I am tired of the hurting and pain associated with my bowel movements. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!    — purdue_1993 (posted on September 17, 2002)

September 16, 2002
Amy, Are you getting all of your water in?? How about fiber?? If so, then try some colace. It is not a laxitive, but a stool softner that you can buy over the counter. Good luck. I am sure this is not fun for you
   — Vicki L.

September 16, 2002
Some of these surgeons aren't very smart about nutrition, i.e. they tell you to eat 100% protein, so you have nothing in your diet to create normal, soft stools! I would strongly suggest eating complex carbohydrates (fruits/vegs/cereal/pasta, etc.) at at least one meal per day. This should solve the problem ...
   — Terissa R.

September 16, 2002
I agree with all the posts...I also don't think there are any long term effects by taking 'stool softners'..maybe you could look into that.
   — heathercross

September 17, 2002
Hi. I also had ongoing problems with painful bowel movements. I found a great product at Wal*Mart called Fiber Choice chewables. They are orange flavored and sugar free. They're about the size of a quarter or a little bigger. I chew 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening and things are working just fine. I also thing stool softeners are fine. A small mug of steaming apple juice in the morning is also a good tip. Lastly, when I felt that miserable bloated feeling that you feel when you're constipated I would occasionally take Milk of Magnesia (YUCK). It didn't make me cramp and gave me quick and thorough relief. The Fiber Choice was the biggest help for me though. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

September 17, 2002
My surgeon suggested Colace, which is a stool softener. It just adds water to your bowels. It works well for me. I take 3 a day. Colace is not a laxative. Good luck!!
   — Susan F.

September 17, 2002
Hi. I also had this problem but I didn't want to rely on artificial I started eating a bowl of Kasha Go-Lean Crunch with a smidgeon of frozen blueberries and a 1/2 cup milk mixed with 2 tbs soy protein powder for breakfast about 3 times a week. This is great fiber. (8grams for just the cereal, not sure how much for the blueberries) and great protein. (32 grams.) I know there is carbs included but hey...3 times a week and my bowel habits are normal again. It's worth it to me! Good Luck!
   — Leah H.

September 17, 2002
Amy, I'm having the same problem! I've been constipated since I was 16 and WLS has only made it worse. Milk of Magnessia doe'snt "loosen me" up at all. Those Kashi cereals are good for it. There are also some cereals with 8 and 10 grams of fiber (not kashis). They help, but only some of the time. I did look into those orange things at walmart that someone mentioned. I read the label and there did'nt seem to be that much fiber in each and if I had 6 a day, they would be very expensive. So right now I'm eating more 10 grams of fiber cereal.... however I still can't go when I eat this!(The constipation is causing me terrible back aches on my right side). :(
   — Danmark

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