Can anyone tell me where I can find the book - A complete guide to obesity surgery by

Bryan G. Woodward? I haev tried online B&N, Waldenbooks, Borders, and B. Dalton, but they have no copies and it could be 2-5 weeks before one is available. So, i didn't know if anyone knew where I could find one like now. haha Thanks. Please e-mail me.    — Janice P. (posted on September 12, 2002)

September 12, 2002
Go to: There's also a great book out there: Understanding & Overcoming Morbid Obesity - Life Before, During & After Surgery - by Michelle Boasten, it's available on
   — Rosario T.

September 12, 2002
I went to Bookstop last Tuesday and they didn't have it so I ordered it. I am still waiting on it. I wish I would have been able to order it from the publisher because I probably would have had it by now. They did have the book by Michelle Boasten so I bought it. I would order the book online. You will probably get it much faster that way.
   — Jan D.

September 14, 2002
hi I ordered my copy fromt the author directly since It was so hard to find, only took 3 days to reach me, in my opinion his book is the best one of all here is his website address
   — Grace H.

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