I'm 6 weeks postop and already on a plateau
I am 6 weeks postop and lost 35 pounds. I weigh every other day and see the scale going up and down. I walk 3-4 times a week. I only snack on fruit and sometimes saltines. But I have not lost any weight at all in the past 2 weeks. What am I doing wrong? I'm very discouraged!! HELP!! — Melissa G. (posted on September 8, 2002)
September 8, 2002
Fruit is sugar, saltines are empty calories. I'm not anti-saltines for
life, but right now, it's just empty for you. Where are you with your
protein supps? Water? Vitamins? Meal size & frequency? All that can
make a diff. The OTHER thing is to stay off the scale to save your sanity!
— vitalady
September 8, 2002
Melissa, I to hit a plateau right at six weeks, it's normal. Keep up with
your walking and throw the scale out the window (it is not your friend!!!)
after being discouraged from weighing in once a week, I decided to do it
once a month. Presto...I'm nine weeks out and 47 lbs downs. The weight will
come off be patient.
— vmckel3783
September 9, 2002
I hit my first plateau at 4 weeks out and 30 lbs. After two and a half
weeks it broke and I am finally losing again. It was really hard to get
through, but I kept reminding myself that my body NEEDED the time to catch
up with the weight loss. Be patient, it will end.
— Tami D.
September 9, 2002
ahhhhh the first plateau! Just think, if it were baby's first step, you'd
be excited! And it's just like that, just another step in your journey.
And, yep, I hit it hard at 5 weeks out, and it lasted nearly 3 weeks. And
it sucked! But, dear one, it did end. Just follow the program and you
WILL lose weight. Protein > 60 gm/day, water > 60 oz/day (2 liters)
exercise at least 30 min/day. I could thro in that inches vs pounds theory
too, but suffice to say, the plateau will end.
— Karen N.
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