Did anyone else feel hungry again at about 7 months post op and could you eat more?

This bothers me, I thought I would stay full longer and I am hungry more now, has anyone else experienced this?    — tatterpuddin (posted on September 1, 2002)

September 1, 2002
Oh yes mee tooo!!!! i can eat 2 cups of food per meal I get upset bec. i can eat so much. I am hungry all the time. Im down to 175 but i have to keep up my exercise or i gain!!!!! oh me...same old struggle.
   — Jackiis

September 1, 2002
Me too, so sad. I liked it better when it didnt matter if I ate. When jen was in the hospital once I ate nothing for 3 days and only finally ate because I was afraid I would get sick.. Those were the days...
   — bob-haller

September 1, 2002
Ditto Bob & Jacqueline... I'm almost a year post op, down 104lbs, with about 27 more to go, & I have to really watch what I eat these days or I just don't lose (sigh). Have always envied folks that can fill up on just a few bites. I remember pre op my WLS friend told me it was really important to learn good eating habits during those honeymoon days. She was right cause hunger plus my ability to eat more could sure do me in!! Hang in there =)
   — Denise W.

September 2, 2002
Yes I did this too. I am now alomost 10 months post op and it seems every day I can eat and tolerate more and more foods and this really scares me. I have maintained my weight well and I am far below my goal weight but now I know comes the hard part and that is keeping the weight maintained and not gaining. I have noticed that if I drink plenty of water between meals I don't get near as hungary, and remember no drinking right before, during or right after a meal.
   — Lynda T.

September 2, 2002
this is a PS to what i wrote all you guys..this has been helpful to me as i try to shrink... it helps you calculate how much exercise or food you need to minus out to help you to keep losing... ahhhhh the struggle begins!!!!! 20-25 ;lbs from goal!!!! love you Bob love your posts!!!
   — jacki L.

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