What is this feeling?

Hi! I am 4 months post op RNY & within the past 2 weeks I have started having this gnawing, nauseous feeling in the middle of my belly. I get this feeling like I am hungry, but when I eat I get a full feeling & then afterwards I get the gnawing, nauseous feeling back. It is so annoying! I have been taking Protonix & Pepcid, but they don't seem to be helping. Could this be an ulcer? Plain old indigestion & gas? Also, I have been drinking a cup of coffee every morning for the past 3 weeks or so, does coffee cause ulcers? Could this be the problem? Thanks in advance for your help!    — Binxalways (posted on August 29, 2002)

August 29, 2002
I don't know if coffee causes ulcers, but I can tell you that my new little pouch does NOT like coffee (regular OR decaf)! I get a variety of feelings from it...anything from a burning sensation in the middle of my stomach to full blown dumping...either of which is accompanied by diarrhea (sp?). You should go a few days without coffee and see if it makes a difference. If not, call your doc.
   — pam29922

August 29, 2002
hello, do you still have your gallbladder? i had these sx when i had gallstones prior to surgery. also, it could be gastritis, and medication will take care of that. However, the thing is to talk to your doctor! i only pretend to be a doctor on TV :) good luck! call today! dont delay!
   — Nancy D.

August 30, 2002
Definitely could be an ulcer... classic symptoms. Call your doctor to let him/her know. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

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