What about stretch marks?

I am 6 mo. post-op and have lost 114 lbs thus far. I have had 4 children and years of weight gain and unfortunately have so major stretch marks across my belly. Well, now that I've lost over 100 lbs, they are awful looking (not that they looked good beforehand, ha!)..but now they are shrivelled and bunched up and my stomach looks like the skin of a 100 year old woman (I'm 34!). If I have a tummy tuck, will the strech marks be gone? Does the plastic surgeon cut this portion of skin? Or, is there anything to do to reduce the awful look of these marks in the meantime? thanks for your answers!    — Mary W. (posted on August 26, 2002)

August 26, 2002
Hi Mary. I posted a simular question earlier today. If you expand the list you can see what others advised me to do. Good Luck.
   — Sarah K.

August 26, 2002
I had awful looking stretch marks on my stomach below my belly button and up to my pubic area (this one was a REAL nasty bright red one). The plastic surgeon cut ALL of them off when he did my tt. I'm actually not ashamed to lift my shirt anymore and show off my tight little belly with the approximately 6 stretch marks he couldn't remove due to where they were located (above the belly button to the sides of my stomach).
   — Patty H.

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