Not motivated to exercise!! Help!! Need some encouraging words or things to help!

I was NEVER an exerciser before. I am really having a hard time getting motivated to exercise. Why? I just don't want to do it. Please give me some ideas that maybe helped you get motivated. I know I am the only one that can motivate myself but I need some encouragement!    — Allison T. (posted on August 26, 2002)

August 26, 2002
hiya! do you live driving distance from the beach, a park, or hiking trails? i drive 25 miles to the beach and just walk along the water, collecting sea shells and sand dollars. last summer after surgery i spent the summer at the pool, teaching my daughter to swim (i taught her, didn't have lessons) plus i'd swim a few laps and tread water while she jumped into the deep end do you have a dog? go for an evening walk with your dog and your family, or just your family... you had this surgery to save your life and improve your quality of life...exercise is an important part of that, it aids weight loss and it releases endorphins that make you feel good plus just "doing it" gives you a feeling of satisfaction start small, take 'baby steps" and work you're way up. 3 other ladies, myself and my daughter (from our wls support group) participated in a 5k beach walk this past weekend, our goal was to just finish but 4 of us won awards! i couldn't do that 15 months ago! also, you can go to your local library and check out exercise videos, find one you like and stick with it, even if you start out at only 5 minutes a day, it is better than nothing and once you start feeling the muscles in your body and not just the fat you will have a whole new sense of self appreciation and pride! JUST DO IT!! {{hugs}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal weight: 135lbs current weight: 130lbs
   — jkb

August 26, 2002
Hi. I really know how you feel! What helps me is music. I use my Discman and put in a rockin' CD and that gets me moving. A good self-pep-talk doesn't hurt, either. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

August 26, 2002
Music works well, but I find having one good friend to exercise with you also helps. I have not had the surgery yet, but I enlisted my best friend to motivate me and together we at least go out and walk some and eventually work our way up to more exercises.
   — A I.

August 26, 2002
Remember also that when it is closer to fall, it be easier to get outside to walk. So have that to look forward to.
   — Marie A.

August 26, 2002
I can relate to you a lot! I was never a person who could exercise for an extended time. After the surgery, I worked so much and my home life is so busy, I could not find the time (good excuse). Here's what i did to change that. I started walking 1/2 -1 miles and would spend that time thinking about how much weight I lost and how great I will feel at my optimal weight. I soon found myself walking 2-2/12 miles (3-5 times per week) and now cover that in less than 30 minutes. I also started doing just plain arm lifts and stretch's, Now I can walk a decent distance in any tempature and enjoy it. I feel dissapointed when I can't get my walk in. Just go out and walk and use that time to clear your head and be alone for awhile. Trust me, it works. Good luck and God bless. Don Andrzejczak
   — Don A.

August 26, 2002
Boy do I know how you feel. I am four months post-op and just now getting moving. I am sure sorry too. I am sure I could have lost a lot more by now if I had gotten moving. I guess one motivator would be, imagine how bad you are going to feel a few months down the road when you could have lost more weight and the only reason you didn't was your own fault. I can tell you, however, that the more you do it the better you feel and the more you feel like doing. My doctor told me to start out walking 15 minutes per day and then each week just add five more minutes. I am up to walking one mile per day now and i have tons more energy and an actual appetite. You went through the surgery and did such a courageous thing for yourself, why stop now? Do it for yourself!!
   — Shona M.

August 26, 2002
hi there i too was never much of an exerciser. this summer i have stayed busy swimming which has been a big help. im scared with the end of summer near ill have to go back to the exercise bike. i did this in the winter and music helped to keep me going its so boring without it so i just put some good toons in start gettin jiggy and off i go lol i also just start to fantacize about how great my bods ganna look when this is all over so that helps to keep me motivated too best of luck to ya !
   — carrie M.

August 26, 2002
I'm pre-op and started an exercise routine a few months ago. What motivates me? Getting naked and looking in the mirror motivates me! LOL Everyone has made a lot of great suggestions. For me, I had to approach it as something I had to do. There are lots of things we have to do that aren't really options (going to work or school or sleeping). So I wanted to make it a habit. Music is important to me. Also, selecting an exercise that you enjoy works wonders. I walk first thing in the morning really just to loosen up and get moving. Walking is great exercise and you can do it listening to music or just walking and thinking about how you're going to look in the future. I'm a boxing fan so I got a heavy bag, speed bag etc... I put on some slammin' music and work out on the bags. A partner is a great idea. I used to lift weights a lot with my best friend. Knowing he was showing up to lift weights whether I was in the mood or not, motivated me to get out there and do it. The thing is to make it a habit. Pick something you like, whether it's swimming, bike riding, or whatever. When I was a youngster, I was into the martial arts. After surgery and losing weight, I'm eager to get back into it. Good luck.
   — Jon W.

August 26, 2002
Allison, I have never been an exerciser, but I am now! I started walking in the hospital, and haven't quit yet. I usually walk about 5-7 miles per day. I'm also doing the Avon 3-day (60 mile) walk for Breast cancer in October. I could not even think about that a year ago. Here's what I do. I check out audio books from my local library and I listen to them while walking. It's great, because I get to catch up on books that I would like to read, but don't have the time to sit down and read, and I get lost in the story. Before you know it, I've walked for 2 hours, and I'm wishing I had time to keep going. Honestly, I have logged over 600 walking hours this way in the past 6 months, and you can just imagine how many books have been read to me! It's great and it makes my type A personality very happy to accomplish 2 things at once. Cheers, Brenda
   — Brenda P.

August 26, 2002
Remember that old cliche, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."? OK, take just one step. That's what I did. Five minutes a day on a treadmill at about one mile per hour. That was about 150 pounds ago. I bike 30 miles (flat terrain) with no herculean effort. Walked 12-15 miles a day over rough terrain for four weeks carrying 16 pounds on my back. And it started with five minutes a day. Like the other post said, "Do it." Just get started. It works. Truly. Hang in there
   — Chuck O.

August 26, 2002
Instead of music, I go to the library and borrow the "books on tape" and put them on the headphones and walk. I get so absorbed in the book, that Idon't want to stop walking! Another good exercise is yoga classes. I take a class on Friday nights after work-its relaxing and strenuous at the same time-good way to relieve the stress from the work week. And for fun, get into a dance class! Ever try belly dancing? Its for women of all sizes-trust me! Check with your local rec centers for beginner classes. They are fun, and great exercise and you meet the neatest people in these classes. I also have a treadmill at home in front of a TV. Put on the evening news and watch while you walk-oops, a 1/2 hour already?
   — Cindy R.

August 26, 2002
What motivated me w2as just thinking, Do I really wanna have severe excess skin once i'm at my goal weight"????? Heck NO! And do I want it to take me over a year to get to my goal weight???? Absolutely NOT!! That helped alot. Then when I started exercising I began feeling better and better about myself...and still going, I have a ways to go! Surgery was July 8,2002. Down 30lbs so far now at 235lbs. Good Luck!
   — Sunny4x4chick

August 26, 2002
Well, me neither! Exercise was not encouraged in my home growing up, especially for girls (old-fashioned parents who had me way too late in their lives). I decided after surgery that I NEVER wanted to be this/that fat again so I started out slow. I bought tiny 5 lb weights and started on some very basic reps, not too many, then I started adding 5 more each week. I started walking about a block at a time, and I'd quit when I was tired. the more I exercised the better I felt, I had more energy and I really enjoyed exercising. I'm only 4 months out but exercise has become a very important part of my life! I have a 2 year old and I don't want her to remember a fat mommy and I don't want her to struggle with her weight like everyone else in my family-thank GOD she's adopted and only has half my gene pool (close family adoption). Anyway, my inspiration was her, I want her to grow up knowing that fitness and health are mandatory behaviors, I don't want her to be lazy, I want her to think that hiking, biking, walking, wind surfing, skiing, swimming, etc are just a normal part of life! For you, I think your inspiration should be YOU!!!!! You are worth the time of day and you are worth keeping around! You need to find something that you enjoy, here are some suggestions: water aerobics, water walking, regular walking, weight lifting, stretching, pilates, yoga, body squats--really any of these things may be done in the privacy of your own home with the exception of the swimming unless you own your own pool! It's amazing how good you feel after exercise! At first it may be difficult but if you keep to it, it will bring you a sense of joy, accomplishment and satisfaction. You spent the money for the surgery, spend the time on yourself! Email me privately if you need someone to talk with!
   — jenn2002

August 26, 2002
My family was never much into exercising either. I think what finally motivated me to get back into the gym (not that I was way into it before) was that I finally came to the realization that I have been given a tool, a gift if you will. Well as soon as I realized that, it came clear that I should get the optimal used out of my tool, my gift, and for me. So I figured since I am eating well, not smoking, not drinking, the only other thing that I could think of to do was get my butt back into the gym. I think now with me going to the gym, along with all my other "new habits" I am getting the optimal use of my tool. You gotta a gift, a second chance, take full advantage of it. Good luck and God bless!!
   — stacjean

August 26, 2002
I know what you mean. The only thing that has ever worked for me was getting up before everyone else (yuk) and riding a stationery bike while I catch up on my favorite reading material. This worked so well I went through 2 bikes. They just don't think people are going to ride them that much. I guess they think that we are going to use it for a clothes rack or somthing.
   — Sherry A.

August 26, 2002
If you want to consistently lose weight week after week and get to your goal faster, then exercise!! If that isn't motivation enough, then I don't know what is!! Besides, after a while, you get used to it and when you don't do it, you miss it.
   — Patty H.

August 27, 2002
GET YOUR BUTT MOVING! Ok I was harsh. PLEASE get your butt moving! I dont excersize either but, I love walking. Take the dog for a walk (if you have one) and if you dont have one, ask a neighbor is you can walk thiers. It will only help YOU lose the weight. You wont be successful if you dont do some kind of excersize. DO IT FOR YOURSELF! HUGS and God Bless!!
   — Kathy A.

August 27, 2002
Come walk my dogs?!
   — Karen R.

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