Is it true diabetics lose less weight?

I just went to my seminar and was surprised to read in the handout they gave us that diabetics tend to lose less weight than anyone else. Is this true? Does this mean I have no chance of reaching my goal? I would love to hear from some type II diabetics who have had great success and reached their goal. I guess I just need to be prepared that, no matter how hard I work at it, it just might not happen. Feeling a little discouraged. . . Kathy    — Kathy S. (posted on August 24, 2002)

August 24, 2002
It is true that while your blood sugar is up it is hard to lose weight. However, most people who are type ii diabetics (like me) tend to get their blood sugar under control very quickly as their eating gets under control. diabeties to worry about.
   — Pam G.

August 24, 2002
If this were true, I'd be losing weight as a pre-op. lol But I will say that since being on Glucophage I am NOT as hungry as I was before and when I do eat I get full alot sooner than I used to. And I have lost 3 pounds in the last month, but I am still planning on having the surgery. So I guess diabetics can lose weight.....its just very slow.
   — lesleeloo

August 24, 2002
I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic in 1998. I had my surgery on april 15 2002. Sincy my surgery date, my blood sugar has been in the normal range and since april 15th I have lost 78lbs. I too was on glucophage, but have not had to take any meds since the day of my surgery. Before the surgery my blood sugar was always in the 200's. Hope this helps. Stacey
   — stacey1273

August 24, 2002
Type 2 here pre op HC1A 12 to 13 staving around 10. I lost it all presently at 183 start weight 313. My last HC1A was 6.6 which saddens me its not perfect... But still much better, all other troubles gone. So type 2s definetely can loose it all:) I lost most of it in under 7 months fastest my surgeon has had someone get to goal he told me.
   — bob-haller

August 24, 2002
I wa diabetic and I have lost over 80lbs in 3 1/2 months. I am ahead of schedule.
   — Linda A.

August 24, 2002
Very bad diabetic pre op have lost 30 pounds in a month--pretty good for a lighweight
   — Linda L.

August 24, 2002
My surgeon says that diabetics tend to lose weight more slowly than non-diabetics, but that we have a longer honeymoon period than non-diabetics. Instead of the 1 1/2 year end, we may lose up to 24 months. One now not-diabetic lady in my support group has gone from 211 lbs to 139 lbs at 8 months post-op! That's pretty fast, as far as I'm concerned!
   — Kathy B.

August 26, 2002
I had type II diabetes before my open RNY on 2/22/02. It has been 6 months since surgery and I have lost 90 lbs. I started out at 230 lbs, now weigh 140 lbs. No longer have to take medication....haven't had to since the day I had surgery.
   — Kelly T.

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