Anyone else have this horrible pain?
Since Saturday afternoon I have been having pain in my chest, right between my breasts, under the breast bone. Sometimes I think it is air caught in there, maybe food. It is a bad pressure that sometimes builds and releases. I do not have air escaping when it does that so I am confused. I am five months out and never had this before. I ate some chicken Saturday off of chicken wings, could that be stuck? When I ate the food did not come up, buit it did not want to go down real well either. Also, when I lay down on my side I feel it worse, and when I exhale I feel it. So confused!! — smedley200 (posted on August 19, 2002)
August 19, 2002
Tina, you may have something stuck in the stoma, like the chicken. Have
you eaten since Saturday and does that food go down? Are you in pain all
the time or just after you eat? I used to get that kind of pouch pain
after I ate a meal too fast, too much, or it was too dense for me during
the first month or two, but you are 5 months post-op. If it persists or
happens every time you eat, check with your surgeon, you may need to have
it checked out/scoped.
— Cindy R.
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