What is the recovery like for brachioplasty? I am scheduled for 9/9/02

for brachioplasty, outer thigh lift and lipo. Our daughter is getting married on 10/11/02. Do you think I will be up to a wild wedding weekend 1 one post op - or should I reschedule the surgery for after the wedding? I was traveling on vacation 2 months after my open RNY last year. Thanks for any imput you can give me. Diane    — Diane Z. (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 17, 2002
Can't speak for the outer thigh lift, but I had a full abdominoplasty and liposuction on both arms last week and it's been a BREEZE in comparison to the RNY. I was walking straight on day 2 and my arms were bruised black and blue from the liposuction but after 10 days it's almost gone and there just slightly sore. Pain level on a scale of 1 to 10 is about a 3 at worst.
   — Patty H.

August 17, 2002
Not exactly the same surgeries you're speaking of. I had an abdominoplasty w/ lipo done but the abdominoplasty was more like a lower body lift in that the incision went all the way around and it tightened the skin in my outer legs, butt, back, etc. Anyhow, I really wasn't feeling really like myself until between week 5-6. Everyone is different though, heals differently, plus I am still heavy so had more pulling on my incisions, muscles, etc. Thought I'd share that with you though as I hadn't anticipated how long and to what degree I would be "out of commission".
   — Shelly S.

August 17, 2002
I had my bilateral brachioplasty last November, along with my panniculectomy. The whole surgery was by far the most "comfortable" surgery I have ever had. My arms were wrapped in Ace bandages for the first day, then I had gauze wraps for 2-3 days because of a moderate amount of drainage. Every surgeon has a different approach to things....some use Ace bandages or elastic "sleeves" for several days or weeks....mine did not. I had no external sutures or staples, and no drains. I had full range-of-motion and was able to reach and lift without any difficulty at all. In my case, I think that this surgery was relatively pain-free because there are superficial nerves that are "sacrificed" with an elbow to armpit incision. Even now, the incision line on both arms is numb to touch....but a very small price to pay for beautifully trim arms, and no batwings to flap around. I was back to work full-time a week later...I think the wedding should be do-able. I wish you the same great experience :-)
   — Diana T.

August 18, 2002
I had breast augmentation/implants along with brachioplasty on a Monday, and went to my nephews wedding and reception on Saturday. Granted, I was very tired, and I didn't stay for the entire reception, but I was there. My range of motion is pretty good; however, there are times that the area pulls and is uncomfortable when I reach for things. You will need to think about this carefully before making this very important decision. Good luck!
   — sheron H.

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