My surgery was Aug 2, Open RNY, right between my breasts but lower where the

incision starts feels bloated, uncomfortable. Doesn't hurt but can't really sit up completely straight. Is this ok?    — jojo63 (posted on August 12, 2002)

August 12, 2002
Colleen, give yourself some time to heal up a bit more. My surgery (Open RNY) was on July 15 and I'm still a little bit uncomfortable, but not nearly as sore as the first week after. You're gonna be shocked at how great you feel, even in the next week. God Bless, Mindy Carrick [email protected]
   — Mindy C.

August 12, 2002
I had the exact same problem and went to see my surgeon about it. It was just part of the healing process. Wearing a bra really aggravated it. Now I am 6 weeks post-op and it no longer is swollen or painful.
   — linda S.

August 12, 2002
Coleen, the location your describing, between the breasts but a little lower is where the new pouch is located. Sounds like healing pains, especially at 10 days post-op...but if your concerned, check with the doctor.
   — Cindy R.

August 12, 2002
Hi! I had my surgery on Aug 2 also and have the same swelling. I think it's just part of healing, I also still have my staples in and I think that makes it a little more touchy too. Maria
   — Maria S.

August 12, 2002
Oh how I remember how that feels. It was so tender to even touch. I didn't even wear a bra for the first four weeks until I went back to work. It is still the first thing that comes off as soon as I walk in the door from work, lol. But it does get better, I promise!! Candi 6/7/02 325/289/150ish
   — Candi B.

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