tummy tuck, does the surgeon remove the scar tissues?

When you have the tummy tuck my question is does the surgeon remove the scar tissue from any scars, such as the one left from an open DS? Or even a laproscopic one? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.    — Kate M. (posted on July 29, 2002)

July 29, 2002
Before my tummy tuck in November, I had had 2 C-secions and an abdominal hysterectomy (all long vertical incisions), plus a traditional gall bladder surgery with a long diagonal incision under my right ribcage, and finally my lap RNY with six tiny "scattered" incisions across my upper abdomen. My surgeon did an "anchor incision" with my TT....a long vertical incision from breastbone to pubic area (making me a new bellybutton in the process), and a "smiley-face" incision from hip to hip. The anchor incision allowed him to pull in alot of skin from the sides toward the middle, especially in the upper abdomen. The final result was that he cut out all my "old" scars, and I am left with only a fine red line down the middle and from side to side in the "bikini" area, and they are fading external sutures or staples with this surgery, so no "railroad tracks". Another added bonus of the anchor incision is that by pulling the skin from the sides in toward the middle, the surgery gave me a really nice, sleek look to my sides and back.....all of those rolls around the band of my bra are now gone :-) Good luck
   — Diana T.

July 29, 2002
After my TT, I was missing the scars from my open appendectomy, gall bladder removal (lap) and part of my open RNY scar. It looks much better because it is now all one scar down the middle where before I had the one from the RNY and it curved around my old belly button. Then below my belly button was another horizontal scar from my hysterectomy. Now it is all staight up and down above and below my "new" belly button. The scar from my TT runs from hip to hip but is all concealed by my undies.
   — livnliter

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