Anyone had a yeast infection in the folds of their skin?

Anyone had a yeast infection in the folds of their skin? Just got back from my obgyn and have been diagnosed with yeast infestions under each breast and under my belly fat apron. Its like a red irritation that has an odor to it. Gross but at least I have it documented in my medical record so when the time comes to get the extra skin removed, it will be there to fight the insurance company with. GET THIS STUFF DOCUMENTED AND TREATED!!!! It is EMBARASSING but it will help you out down the road.    — k r. (posted on July 29, 2002)

July 29, 2002
I'm pre-op but I have had the same problem. I battled it for a long time (power, Desitin, etc) and the prescription my original doctor gave me didn't work. Long story short, when I switched insurances, I had to switch docs and the new doc told me to buy Lamisil over the counter and it worked perfectly. It's made for athletes foot (imagine that, ewwww) You have to make sure you keep it as dry as possible and put it on twice a day. I was good after a week or so. She made sure to tell me not to keep paper towels or anything in there to help keep it dry because it will irritate it more. I just grabbed some paper towels when I went to the restroom at work and dabbed myself dry whenever I felt yucky.
   — Morna B.

July 29, 2002
As a diabetic I was especially prone to this. It just seemed to go on and on. I'd get it everywhere, under my arms, at my waist. Yes its icky. The only way I could control it when my blood sugars were high was to take Diflucan weekly. Although for localized outbreaks an OTC yeast cream will work. By the way, since I had my tummy tuck I've not had a single case, other than vaginally from antibiotics. Not only do I not have the skin folds to harbor it but also my blood sugars have been almost 100% normal since losing so much fat tissue! Yes!!!
   — Shelly S.

July 29, 2002
Working in the hospital during clinicals, there was a not so little 'ol lady (no pun intended) who had a large apron of skin. The tech had failed to put the pillow case between it and her groin, and it had set up a terrible yeast infection. It almost made me cry, as I knew she was miserable and helpless. I know exactly what you're talking about.
   — Tina B.

July 29, 2002
HI, I have not had a problem that bad, but it is easy to have if you don't protect the area. In the hospital we put thick white diaper rash cream on the area - this is waterproof and keep the sweat from irritating your skin. Apply lamisil or other antifungal cream till it is cleared up and then daily put a thin coating of desitin or any brand diaper rash cream (make sure it has zinc oxide). Do this as a preventative measure and you won't have the yeast - they can only grow in a moist warm envirionment. Another thing that works great is 1-2-3 paste (you have to get a pharmicist to mix this for you). Hope this helps!
   — Pam W.

July 29, 2002
HI, I have not had a problem that bad, but it is easy to have if you don't protect the area. In the hospital we put thick white diaper rash cream on the area - this is waterproof and keep the sweat from irritating your skin. Apply lamisil or other antifungal cream till it is cleared up and then daily put a thin coating of desitin or any brand diaper rash cream (make sure it has zinc oxide). Do this as a preventative measure and you won't have the yeast - they can only grow in a moist warm envirionment. Another thing that works great is 1-2-3 paste (you have to get a pharmicist to mix this for you). Hope this helps!
   — Pam W.

July 29, 2002
You are not alone with this problem. I lived with one constantly pre-op under my belly and the tops of my legs. My dr. said to use an anti-fungal cream for it. I did and it worked wonders. I am now about 80 pounds down and thank goodness I don't have to deal with it anymore. Good luck to you. :)
   — Betty M.

July 31, 2002
~~~~~~~~~~~ RE: SKIN IRRITATION * RASH * YEAST INFECTION IN THE FOLDS OF SKIN: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I didnt realize so many people suffered with this problem. I got a zillion helpful hints when I posted my problems with a yeast infection under my breasts and belly apron. I wanted to share them as I was given an expensive prescription cream and there are several good alternatives: Use a hair dryer to dry skin folds Use ANTIPerspirant under the skin (Secret... etc) Scrub rash area and use Yougert in the bath Powder in the folds to reduce moisture Over the counter yeast medication Lotrimin Diaper rash ointment Hope this helps you guys. It surely helped me.
   — k r.

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