I seem to be tired all the time

I am 3 1/2 months post op. I have lost 72lbs, I walk 4 miles per day plus take water aerobics 3 times per week. My starting weight was 287. I take prenatal vitamins daily, plus 2500 sublingual b12 once a week, plus my calcium everyday. I get at least 60 g of protein a day plus drink at least 60 ozwater per day. But in the past 2 weeks I have noticed I am just exhausted plus I forget easily. I took my blood pressure 2 times last week and it averaged about 84/53. I know this is pretty low. Could this be why I am feeling this way or have others experienced this? What else should I be doing or better yet what am I doing wrong? THanks RK    — Robin B. (posted on July 29, 2002)

July 29, 2002
Your low blood pressure could have a LOT to do with it. Next time it measures that low, go see your doctor, or go to the er so it's medically documented, keep track of your activities at the time of it being that low, and what it was when you measured it... :( I have found that taking my B12 dots every day has helped the fatigue and forgetfulness a lot though, instead of the shots that were wearing off far before I was ready to take the next. I also found that with taking my prenatal vitamins, it has helped for me to take half twice a day rather than a whole one, because of the absorbtion rate in my system. This is all very individualized though, so only you and your doctor will truely know what's right for you .... Good luck on your journey..
   — Elizabeth D.

July 29, 2002
Robin, It could be the BP causing it. I was also thinking it could be anemia, your body catching up to a fast loss, or you could simply have a viral infection. All of these things could cause those symptoms. I would call the doctor about having a blood workup done. You may simply need extra iron on top of everything else. I know prenates are great on iron, but maybe not great enough especially when you're losing weight quickly. He may want to do an EKG too just as a precaution. I wouldn't worry, but I would call him/her ASAP. Best Wishes.
   — Tina B.

July 29, 2002
Well, I'm no doctor, but if your labs are normal on your B12 and other vitamins it sounds like something else. I too have EXTREME fatigue...except I'm 6 months out. I am going for my labs this week, but I am thinking it is my potassium level because my blood pressure is quite low also and low potassium will mess with your heart. That and I've woken up almost every day with SEVERE charlie horse leg cramps...another sign of low potassium. Or it could just be that you're not getting enough sleep to let your body rest from the trauma it has been going through. :-) Good luck!
   — Paula Prichard

July 29, 2002
Ask your doc about B12 injections. i hear people feel AMAZING after getting them. GOOD LUCK!
   — k r.

July 29, 2002
hi there im right at 6 months out and somedays im full of energy and others im just completely wiped i had blood labs done just this saturday so im anxious to see the results i too suffer from charlie horses through out the night so i dont get much sleep im too busy jumping out of bed to get the kinks out hopefully this will pass soon cuz my legs are so sore best of luck to you:)
   — carrie M.

July 29, 2002
15 months out and I still feel like I've been run over by a truck. Now I'm having more health problems. Seems I traded the ones pre op for all new ones post op. ;)
   — Danmark

July 29, 2002
Oh, and I get B-12 shots TWICE A MONTH and that is'nt helping ether.
   — Danmark

July 29, 2002
Sorry about your fatigue, I recommend getting the 2500 mcg or 1000 mcg of B-12 sublingual pills and take them at least 4-5 times per week. Your low blood pressure also has something to do with your fatigue also. I hightly recommend that you also take upon rising an Iron tablet 4 times a week with a vitamin C and make sure you take them together for absorption. After surgery it appears that most of the Bariatric patient's iron levels in their bodies decrease. This can make you tired, fatigued and have dizzy spells if they go untreated for a certain period of time. If you are not drinking enough water you can also have dizzy spells and feel tired. If you don't get all of the required protein you can sabotage your weight loss because without the proper protein your hair can fall out and you nails and skin can suffer also. If we don't get in at least 65 grams of protein you will start to crave carbs and your sweet tooth won't go away. As a matter of fact you will crave fried foods and high calorie foods and eventually you will give into your cravings and therefore sabotage your diet program. The protein will stop the cravings and help your weight drop on a regular basis instead of being on a non-stop plateau, the protein and exercise is the key to success in your weight loss journey!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!HOPE THIS HELPS. SHIRLEY Tell your primary care physician and your Surgeon and purchase the Weight loss surgery books by patients who have had the surgery such as: Barbara Thompson and a few others. Keep your sugar level low because sugar can make us tired and if we are not careful sleepy.
   — Shirley M.

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