Having GI discomfort, (cramps and gas) from iron supplements...

any suggestions on alternatives to ferrous sulfate 325mg. Have used Slow FE with better results, but wonder about how much absorption with BPD/DS.    — m S. (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 18, 2002
I went through a fortune trying different iron pills, and they all made me sick, until Dr. Gagner prescribed Niferex 150 mg capsules, taken twice a day. It's a prescription, but it's the only one I can take without pain. Ask your doc for a scrip. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

July 18, 2002
I have had a terrible time with iron supplements also. The ferrous sulfate caused severe constipation, even when taken with a stool softener. My surgeon suggested trying ferrous fumerate or ferrous gluconate because he said they are less likely to cause constipation. I have been taking the ferrous gluconate for less than a week and I think I'm already starting to get the gi discomfort. I think I may check into the prescription iron supplement the previous poster mentioned.
   — Kelly T.

July 18, 2002
m.s. I take Chromagen forte. It's a prescription, and I only have to take one a day.
   — Janis D.

July 18, 2002
I take the generic for Niferex (URL Polysaccharide Iron) which I buy online from Has not caused any stomach or GI problems in either myself or my husband (both of us have the DS).
   — kateseidel

July 18, 2002
Ferrous sulfate is not a good choice for anyone, but especially US. It is hard on the whole GI tract. The polysaccharide is an excellent (gentle) iron of high mg. One of those is equal to about 3 of the sulfates. But if you're not drastically anemic, the carbonyl iron is a nice choice, to, but it takes 2 to be equal to one ferrous sulfate. Well worth it to have peace & quiet inside, and be enriching your blood, right?
   — vitalady

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