Need a buddy....
Hi. I live near Mission Viejo in So CA. I am hoping to have surgery through Pacific Bariatrics in San Diego. (I am still in the consult-get-a-date-stages). I have no family at all excpet my hubby, and since I've only been in the States two years, I don't know a lot of people I want to confide my whole weight thing to. I am hoping someone would like to be an email buddy? Or even better, if anyone lives in the area, maybe a flesh-and-blood support person?? I would so greatly appreciate the feedback. Thanks everyone. — Katie E. (posted on July 14, 2002)
July 14, 2002
Hi! I live in North Carolina and am also in the waiting stage at the
moment, waiting on insurance approval and a date. I'm planning on having
an open RNY with the Bariatric Treatment Center in Langhorn, PA. Please
feel free to email me if you'd like someone to talk to!
— Rebekah A.
July 14, 2002
hi there im carrie i live in illinois i had open rny on feb 8 02 im now
down 107 lbs and feeling great! id love to be an an email buddy email
anytime [email protected] hope to hear from you soon and best of luck
to you too! :)
— carrie M.
July 14, 2002
Hi there!
I am Rebekah Albert in Portland Or. I am pre-op, just approved and have
had the consultation. Now I am waiting to get a surgery date! That is
supposed to be this week.
I am trying to keep active and not focus on it overly much.
The whole insurance process was a six month stress test!
I am trying to start focusing on what I can do now to get ready! Walking
daily would be a good start. I walk about twice a week now. Not enough at
all. My eating and excercise programs have been really off for about a
I think I just gave in to the stress and frustration with the insurance
turmoil. I would love to be your buddy. Write to me anytime you want to
chat about how you are doing. You can count on me being very interested!
— Rebekah A.
July 14, 2002
Hi Katie,
I am in Florida but would love to ofer my support via email. You aren't
alone out there! I have my surgery date! Aug. 14, 2002 in Gainesville, FL
. I have gotten in touch with others who have the same date and we are
starting a website. As we are going ahead of you, maybe we can offer tips
and pointers. Our new website is at My email is
[email protected]
Please contact me any time!! Good luck!!
— Rebecca T.
July 15, 2002
I am from california. I live in the san fransico bay area and I will be
having surgery at standford university. I see my surgeon for the first time
on aug 23, 2002 I have to do a bunch of presurgical tests. upper endoscopy
and ecocardio gram. Write me at [email protected]
— sheri B.
July 15, 2002
Hi, I live in Crestline Ca and also had my surgery done at Pacific
Bariatrics. Feel free to e-mail me at any time. I had my surgery on
12/27/01 & have lost 97 #.
Sandy [email protected]
— Sandy I.
July 15, 2002
Katie! I feel your pain! You came to the right place. I had absolutely
no support for this surgery and I still don't. If at any time you want to
email please do! [email protected]. Hugs! AMY
— purdue_1993
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