10 mos post-op, losing hair again and nails are breaking.

I figure it's a vitamin deficiency, but which one? I'm proximal and take a multi, calcium, iron and C (in the recommended combinations). Any ideas?    — mom2jtx3 (posted on July 9, 2002)

July 9, 2002
It sounds like protein much protein are you consuming per day?
   — John Rushton

July 9, 2002
I started using a shampoo called Nioxin from a hair supply store and it works well. It's a little pricey but it keeps my hair from falling out. And I also agree, try increasing your daily protein intake. Good luck!
   — ravikamor

July 9, 2002
Definitely protein. Pump it up!
   — Terissa R.

July 9, 2002
I swim everyday and find that this is very hard on my hair. At my 4 month check up the MD asked if I was having trouble with hair loss. He prescribed chewable pre-natal vitamins and recommended that I take a biotin (b complex available from GNC) daily. I am careful with my hair. No color, no perms, regular cuts and use a swim cap. The hair loss seems to have resolved completly. You may want to try this and see if it works for you.
   — Denise H.

July 9, 2002
I don't have an answer, but I'm curious to hear what other say. I am 11 months out and have noticed the same thing. I had hair loss in the beginning, and then it stopped and then started growing back, nails started growing, etc. I haven't changed (lowered) my eating of protein, and in the past week and a half to two weeks, I have noticed the hair coming out again! My mom bought me some "Hair and Nails" vitamins from GNC and I started on those last week. I don't know if they are working or not. My hair isn't falling out as badly as before, but def. more than "normal". :( I hope we get it figured out soon, though! My dh loves me, but I don't think he digs bald chicks! LOL!!!!
   — Jenper

July 9, 2002
NAILS: At about 10 mos. out, my nails would break or split or both, below the quick! Usually 6-7 nails at a time. I was in pain with this. I resolved it by getting acrylic nails for a few months. They get in my way, so I had them removed recently. So far, so good. Maybe it passed now.
   — Barbara B.

July 9, 2002
I've always heard that Vitamin E was good for your hair and nails... Try increasing your daily amount and see if that helps.
   — lindajenkins

July 11, 2002
I've preached this before, and I'll preach it again. Zinc. My surgeon believes that all the hype about protein is overrated - Yes, protein is important but in his 30+ years of performing weight loss surgeries, he's found that hair loss seems to be caused by a Zinc deficiency. My hair was falling out horribly at about 4 months out - he put me on prescription Zinc (220mg caps, 3x per day) and it stopped in less than 2 weeks. Best of luck to you!
   — Tracie B.

October 31, 2003
Hi, Im not sure about hype but can say in 7 days I'll be 14mos post op from 254 to 133 and I have been losing my hair pretty much since 2 months out and it has not stopped. I eat whatever I want just smaller amounts. I have asked Doc about the continued hair lose no clear answer was given to me except I must not be getting enough protein. I to dont believe protein has anything to do with it.I can only hope at some point it will eventually stop.
   — niteshadow181

June 22, 2006
a shampoo called Nioxin from a hair supply store does work. I am a Cosmotologist, but I must warn you...if you color your hair it does "strip the color". This info is very helpful if any of you are going grey(ugh), like me and you get your hair colored often. But again "IT DOES WORK AS LONG AS YOU USE IT REGULARLY". STOP AND YOU'LL HAVE THE PROBLEM AGAIN. Carol Nash Buffalo, New York
   — cn626

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